Chuck Norris Threatens 1000 Years of Darkness?

What the fuck are you talking about? How dense are you?

You DO realize that Obama is a right-leaning centrist on the global scale of things, correct? If you want to see liberal, look at France's leader. I realize you're too brainwashed by Fox News to form a coherent thought that doesn't smack of complete ignorance, but stop embarrassing yourself.
I. Don't. Watch. Fox. News.

Congratulations on using the same argument in all of your posts. Fucking bullshit the way you're going about it. You can't just respect someone else's opinion? Is it really that hard?

Typical liberal. "Sure, come on over and share your opinion! We're the most accepting political party, for real! Everyone's welcome! Except for people that have the audacity to disagree with us. We'll just go out and call them a homophobic racist! Because in actuality, we'll kick and scream and bully until we get what we want! Yay, not doing our fair share of work and redistributing the wealth of others so that we get most of it!"

Liberals are instigators and apparently too short-sighted to come up with any argument that doesn't somehow include "FOX NEWS CONSPERRUHCEES DERTYDERDUHDUM".
Maybe so, but it's still a valid statement. I'm not trying to make any enemies here, but I fail to see Obama on that chart you posted about the national debt. And maybe you should focus less on the party and more on the individual. Also, you should stop listening to every "Fight the machine, bring down the corporate establishment!" nutjob that you run into at every bohemian coffee shop or thrift store you go into.

Maybe if you take some of the medicine you're prescribing (i.e. "Stop listening to Fox News"), people would actually consider taking it, too.

Have you ever actually watched Fox News? Has it never occurred to you that your parents have seen more than your hipster friends whose opinions you hold so dear? Have you ever thought that someone could not even be right, but at least have a good argument? Are you really that pretentious?