Contest: Badass Weapon Designer


May the bridges I burn light the way.
Brought to you by Zexis and Arcella...




We look forward to your submissions!
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Haha, well...challenge accepted. Count me in.
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After some heavy thought..............
I have decided......

Everyone, join this contest!
Also, even if you can't draw OR write, you can still plop together images from Google to make something unique. ALL media is acceptable so long as the idea is original and your own!
Wait............. I CAN WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shall join at a later date.
I MIGHT join in on this. I am possibly getting a new computer on Saturday, so I won't actually participate until Sunday at least....wait, when's the contest due?
I'd like to join but I'm not good at image manipulation... Or drawing... Or anything like that.

Plus it'll be hard to picture mine without an image.
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I MIGHT join in on this. I am possibly getting a new computer on Saturday, so I won't actually participate until Sunday at least....wait, when's the contest due?
The contest ends 5/12/11 at 8 PM (EST)! You'll have plenty of time to make something!

Remember, you are allowed two entries for this contest!
A gun that shoots Charlie Sheen clones at countries with Tom Cruise clones as secondary fire. It has the capability to take down countries intellects one state at a time. It can also be used for close combat, since George Bush is strapped to it, working as a defense mechanism at the same time, turning ppls brains to goo when Bush speaks.
It was able to shoot Flavor Flaves , but one proofed to be so effective that he was enough to taint the view of African Americans all over the globe.. so it was decided to put a hold on Flavor, since it is too much power to have responsibility over.
Same ppl are working on a prototype that works with Madonnas and Angelina Jolies, this weapon will be designed to take away the children of Third World countries making it impossible for them to develop: Cutting them off at the source
Guerilla Warfare!
It seems like contest rules are often overlooked, eh, Arcella...

Ok here's a little motivation for the rest of ya.

Name:Photon Retractor

Inspired by: The upcoming Cave Story 3D

This weapon is meant to be mounted over the right shoulder, though it has some extra hand grips to be held aside the hip as well. This weapon uses a nifty charge pack on its side to generate powerful energy. Overtop this energy is prepared for release and is visible through the tank. To fire the weapon, the handle's grip must be clicked in(the dark green part of the handle. If you can't tell already...the Photon Retractor fires electricity. This weapon as it is leveled up (yes leveld up, it's based off of a game...look up how Cave Story works) becomes much better in terms of range and projectile size. Starting with simple straight bolts that fire forward and expand to nearby enemies if contact is made (lv 1). At Level 2, 3 bolts are fired..two diagonal bolts and a straight one. Each shot will spread if contact is made. The final stage (lv 3)...will fire spherical charges at enemies that scatter bolts when contact is made..these bolts being similar to those of it's previous levels. Makes for great use against crowds of enemies.

Drawn on my DS...the design just popped into my head randomly as I thought of Cave Story...
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Sweet, Porkman. Your facial expression is priceless, too