Creepiest Logos you have Seen.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen a logo on tv or a video game that made you get CREEPED OUT!?!?!? Post it here to share it with others. Mine would be:
Could mascots/stores count as well?

If so, Ronald McDonald has aaaaaaallllllllwwaaayyyyyyssss creeped me out. I don't like clowns.

Could mascots/stores count as well?

If so, Ronald McDonald has aaaaaaallllllllwwaaayyyyyyssss creeped me out. I don't like clowns.


That statue looks like it's looking me over preparing for rape time. I don't like it.

I don't really remember any logos that actually creeped me out. If I find any sometime, I'll be sure to add them.
I like the klasky csupo one
I'm with you RyShark, that Klasky Csupo always creeped me out too. Some Ronald McDonald stuff can be a bit creepy as well.

Apart from the ones that have been pointed out, not many others ring a bell. I can say that if a business has a logo that's considered to be creepy, they need to have a long talk with their marketing and design teams.
Could mascots/stores count as well?

If so, Ronald McDonald has aaaaaaallllllllwwaaayyyyyyssss creeped me out. I don't like clowns.


That statue looks like it's looking me over preparing for rape time. I don't like it.

I don't really remember any logos that actually creeped me out. If I find any sometime, I'll be sure to add them.

LoL .. I have used that image for college.. He's praying cuz its a statue from india , it's the traditional "Hello" aka "Namaste". They got him at almost all Mcdonalds' out here

Reminds me of a funny commercial from my Homecountry (Germany)
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