Creepy Bathroom

I still can't believe the School let's students use that creepy bathroom
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Why exactly do you call those things "restrooms"? It's not like you can go in there, and have a rest, maybe a little sleep, if possible. Straining yourself to death, trying to take a dump while constipated is hardly what I call "resting" <___<.
You've never been in a ladies room then, eh?

About 60% of the ladies restrooms I visit have some sort of seating area in them before you enter the area with the stalls. Very fancy!
You've never been in a ladies room then, eh?

About 60% of the ladies restrooms I visit have some sort of seating area in them before you enter the area with the stalls. Very fancy!

That's very different from ours. We have dirty walls, graffiti, and a very bad smell.
Ahh, I was in Highschool quite a few years ago. My health instructor brought the class in the womens locker-room because she kept some learning model in there. That room smelled worse than anything I've ever smelled. The mens locker room was heaven compared to it. I still get shivers. I almost puked that day. The smell sorta reminded me of decaying tuna and feces.
Wow, looking at your depictions of bathrooms makes me happy ours is, for lack of a more appropriate term here, "normal"...
At least there isn't a custodian trying to lure you into it. o.o

"Hey kid, I've got something for you...."

I took a titanic dump last year, I was playing street basketball with my friends when I felt my stomach churning. I thought I could hold it in, but the feces were coming on fast and strong, I had to rush to the nearest bathroom, which was located in a library. I rushed in and quickly ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could, I was two seconds away from dropping a nuke in my pants. The toilet almost blew up and my stomach hurt like hell. That was a mammoth crap that I took, it nearly dripped from the sides of the bowl. Not surprisingly, the s*** clogged the toilet so I ran away as fast as I could before I got into any more trouble...
Aegis, this topic is not intended to be a place for you to share the detailed story about your "mammoth crap". That is disgusting. :[

Boys will be boys, I guess.
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