Daily commute limit for you


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I can travel 50 KMS or so daily. So that would be a 100 kms daily commute for me adding the entire two way journey.

What about you guys? How many KMS can you commute daily?
I travel by train and metro to and from work daily, so I have no idea how many km that would be.
But it's like 37 minutes including talking (excluding would be around 32 minutes and 57 seconds).

And when I miss the last metro on a given day, just cut the commute time to half.
I travel less not much interested in tours or other than things only for most important things i will attend.
I have to go 17 miles (I don't know kilometers), but that's only about 25 or so minutes, depending on traffic.
Back when I went to a community college, it was located slightly out of town and so it was 20 mins out and 20 mins back, sometimes I make the trip twice a day. It killed me on time, energy and gas money. These days my in town college takes ten mins to get to it and back and the same with my job, which isn't bad.
Wow. I guess everyone prefers train when the journey is long. I kinda prefer my own vehicle though. Well it's easy to commute and we don't have to worry about any waiting time and we could control everything and... It's fun to use your own vehicle but I hate Banglore traffic. It takes 1:30 minutes easily to cover less than 30 KMS :(
I see. Well I have heard of trains.. Metro in our area but they are usually crowded so i avoid them.
My office transportation is expensive but still, I don't have to change two buses if I take it. So I opt for my office bus daily.
I see. Well I have heard of trains.. Metro in our area but they are usually crowded so i avoid them.
My office transportation is expensive but still, I don't have to change two buses if I take it. So I opt for my office bus daily.
Trains and metro in Tokyo are extremely crowded during rush hours too, but in return they send a new vehicle once every few minutes during such hours, so if one is too full, you can still take the next.

To give you an idea, this is only the Yamanote line during morning rush hours:
Wow. I guess everyone prefers train when the journey is long. I kinda prefer my own vehicle though. Well it's easy to commute and we don't have to worry about any waiting time and we could control everything and... It's fun to use your own vehicle but I hate Banglore traffic. It takes 1:30 minutes easily to cover less than 30 KMS :(

Trains are a bit safer than riding in a car or plane, and less of a hassle.
Trains and metro in Tokyo are extremely crowded during rush hours too, but in return they send a new vehicle once every few minutes during such hours, so if one is too full, you can still take the next.

To give you an idea, this is only the Yamanote line during morning rush hours:

Like in Persona 5? Do people in Japan like to play Vita/3DS/Switch/mobiles during train rides?
Like in Persona 5? Do people in Japan like to play Vita/3DS/Switch/mobiles during train rides?
Only when it's possible to sit down.
Once it gets more than 100% full, people are in a standing position, so then nobody uses any kind of electronic device.
Though when it's possible to sit down, sleeping is a more popular activity than playing a video game.
Trains are a bit safer than riding in a car or plane, and less of a hassle.

I feel the train are safer for riding. But, there is a rare chance that there is a dangerous criminal who decide to attack random passengers on the train. It is harder for many people to quickly get off a train is harder because it takes more time to stop a heavy train while it is still moving compared to a car. Some people also bring dangerous things like gas, fireworks, toxic chemicals, and weapons on local trains like subways and trams because many local trains may not check luggage before boarding them.

Most large planes check to see if people have weapons, and are not on the "do not fly list" But, trains like subways and smaller train services may not check people's luggage for weapons, or see if they were arrested for dangerous crimes in the past.
I feel the train are safer for riding. But, there is a rare chance that there is a dangerous criminal who decide to attack random passengers on the train. It is harder for many people to quickly get off a train is harder because it takes more time to stop a heavy train while it is still moving compared to a car. Some people also bring dangerous things like gas, fireworks, toxic chemicals, and weapons on local trains like subways and trams because many local trains may not check luggage before boarding them.

Most large planes check to see if people have weapons, and are not on the "do not fly list" But, trains like subways and smaller train services may not check people's luggage for weapons, or see if they were arrested for dangerous crimes in the past.
This is rather paranoid.
Yes, most of the world have no checks like these, but it's really not all as dangerous as you describe it.

I've been depending on train, metro, bus, and even tram transport for most of my life, and the worst experience I've ever had was when I was travelling while a group of football hooligans screaming and spreading beer all over the train for the entirety of the trip have boarded as well.
Then the conductor came in to scan everybody's train passes, and decided to scream along once he got to the hooligans. (・_・)

But fortunately, this was the only bad experience with public transportation, and I've never seen anyone bringing anything dangerous to any of these.