Daily GL General Chat

Ughh, just getting over a cold. Hate it.
Dog wants to see her PLOT lol
I have never had a cold take its sweet ass time to hit me, started to feel unwell this time last week, was a few days of bad allergy symptoms, then three days of sore throat and now finally my nose is running with a stuffy head. Something is making me feel the whole year of not being sick.

Should be getting back to normal, not feeling the full height of it.
I have never had a cold take its sweet ass time to hit me, started to feel unwell this time last week, was a few days of bad allergy symptoms, then three days of sore throat and now finally my nose is running with a stuffy head. Something is making me feel the whole year of not being sick.

Should be getting back to normal, not feeling the full height of it.
Any Fever?

PLOT Nurse Tifa Will get you back into tip top shape in no time lol
This cold has inflamed my sinuses and making the one side of my face and teeth hurt like a mother fer, chewing so much gum today x_x
Dang! sorry to hear that.

Hopefully yer PLOT white blood cells brigade in yer body will kill the cold virus soon.
Went to a doc today (thank god my town has weekend clinics), got some kind of infection and now on medicine. What a week....
Well the good thing is yer on the right recovery track. Though I don't have the anime pic that represents the PLOT medicine brigade lol
Good Morning! For some people due to Thanksgiving, they'll have a short work week. Anybody have Thursday & Friday off?
@Demon_Skeith Hopefully you'll feel better soon with the medicine.
What I do if I have sinus pain (can help with earaches & headaches too) is take a clean sock & fill with 2 cups uncooked rice. Tie off & pop in the microwave. Heat has helped me more than cold packs.
Doing great. I might've ordered too many items and not enough at work for Thanksgiving. Sales I missed for the most part until Saturday, but everything that typically sold well I have more than enough of.