read this about FF 8 english translation with Rinoa stuff, so the English translation was not correct there's no triangle with Squall/Rinoa/Seifer in truth the english translators changed it:
When Selphie wondered why Seifer came to the Timber Broadcast Station
Rinoa: I think...he came to help us, the 'Forest Owls'. I talked about it a lot with him.
Rinoa: I think he came because of the 'Forest Owls'. I asked him for advice on a lot of things.
In the English translation the implication is that Rinoa simply talked to Seifer about the Forest Owls and her dream to free Timber. In the original, however, the implication is more that Seifer actually helped Rinoa with the Forest Owls, probably during the summer they spent together. As a Garden trainee Seifer must have been well-versed in weaponry and possibly tactical maneuvers, possibly guerilla resistance-style tactics. I think it's also possible he taught Rinoa how to fight--ever wonder why Rinoa's weapon is so similar to Fujin's?
When asked at G-Garden whether she still liked Seifer
Rinoa: If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking about it.
Rinoa: If I did I couldn't talk about it like this.
I checked another source, and it bears out the story guide book, too. It seems the translators either made a huge boo-boo, or mistranslated on purpose to create a lover's triangle between Seifer, Squall, and Rinoa. Whether to go with the English transltion or not is up to the gamer, but it seems Rinoa wasn't originally the "tart" she's made out to be in the English version.
When Selphie wondered why Seifer came to the Timber Broadcast Station
Rinoa: I think...he came to help us, the 'Forest Owls'. I talked about it a lot with him.
Rinoa: I think he came because of the 'Forest Owls'. I asked him for advice on a lot of things.
In the English translation the implication is that Rinoa simply talked to Seifer about the Forest Owls and her dream to free Timber. In the original, however, the implication is more that Seifer actually helped Rinoa with the Forest Owls, probably during the summer they spent together. As a Garden trainee Seifer must have been well-versed in weaponry and possibly tactical maneuvers, possibly guerilla resistance-style tactics. I think it's also possible he taught Rinoa how to fight--ever wonder why Rinoa's weapon is so similar to Fujin's?
When asked at G-Garden whether she still liked Seifer
Rinoa: If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking about it.
Rinoa: If I did I couldn't talk about it like this.