DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign With Soundtrack Composed By Ace Combat's Keiki Kobayashi

They said they will have something on the sequel in the upcoming DCS V 2.7 Campaign trailer, nice!
Read an update on the new clouds:

Our new Volumetric Cloud System requires a significant rewrite of our radar, sensor and weapon system code. To integrate the clouds smoothly, the process will be split into stages. The Clouds will initially be released as a purely visual feature, with the possibility to select a wide variety of weather presets from the Mission Editor. After the initial release, we will finalise the work on radar and weapon systems as well as how AI behaves in the new weather conditions. This is particularly relevant for close air combat line-of-sight behaviour.

Please note, DCS: F/A-18C Hornet and DCS: The Channel updates will be released within a short time frame of DCS 2.7.0. which we have pushed out to the 7th of April 2021 due to the heavy testing and 3rd party integration requirements.
Flew a nighttime CAP mission with waifu "Bones", the dialogue choices stuff is quite good, it can alter the mission's story, though quite limited atm, hopefully they'll expand more with this stuff:

They posted an update on the supercarrier, nice, looks like in the future, Supercarrier briefings and debriefings can be in 3d now instead of 2D Visual Novel style stuff

The 3D Briefing Room will offer interactive squadron meeting capability. Pre-mission start and for after action review. An interactive map, PLAT camera, Greenie and Kill boards will provide simultaneous statistics for mission progression. Each pilot seat in the briefing room includes an interactive tablet that will allow you to control the fueling and arming of your aircraft.
Saw this lol
Waifu Bolivar "Bones" is getting optimization in DCS V 2.7.0 nice :
Downloaded the DCS V2.7.0 Update with the new clouds and Waifu "Bones" got authorization error issue lol looks like her PLOT optimization update needs a PLOT HawtFix asap lol !
Saw new teaser trailer, nice one vs one dogfight of Mc Vs The "Demon":
Asked the writer on the sequel teaser trailer on where is waifu "Bones" lol why she is not in the sequel teaser trailer, he answered:
":( She is still at somewhere mysterious at the point of the trailer." so she is still captured in the sequel teaser trailer.
They are Doing Rising Squall 1.5 before Rising Squall 2 and with new story stuff with 400-600 new Voiceovers, nice!
Saw new "Bones" official art:
Just replayed mission 08 with waifu "Bones" "Evil Laugh" at 2:20 ish lol