

I have a serious question for you all: are you afraid of death?

I am.

I had a little panic attack earlier thinking about death. What if there is no god, no afterlife? Is death like sleeping, only you never wake up and never have dreams? Maybe it's foolish to fear the inevitable, but...

Mature responses only, please.
I too am afraid of death, and have thought about what would happen if there is no afterlife. Maybe it's not exactly like sleeping, there is no soul at all, so it's... I don't know, I can't explain it.

I sometimes wonder how people would react to my death. Who would cry, who would remember me, what "real" friends would come to my funeral? Who knows.
I'm not.
If this is it, what's the point? There has to be something beyond this. Otherwise, again, what's the point?
We're all going to die at some point or another.

If I were to die right now (Or very soon) Yes I would be scared. There's so much I haven't done. So much I have regretted. So much to live for.

Whenever I do die, hopefully I would've fulfilled what I wanted in life before I go into the nothingness that is death.
Perhaps there is no point? Maybe we are just symbiotic beings, a byproduct of chance? But then, how did life begin? The universe? Can that also have a natural explanation? I don't know...I don't know if I want to know.
Perhaps there is no point? Maybe we are just symbiotic beings, a byproduct of chance? But then, how did life begin? The universe? Can that also have a natural explanation? I don't know...I don't know if I want to know.

I used to question creation like that once. It made my head hurt. For the sake of not having a headache don't think too much far into that! Rawr!
Though I'm not at all religious, I still like to believe that reincarnation is a possibility.

I suppose I'm not really all that afraid of the Idea of death, but the reality, such as being near death myself would probably scare me sh*tless. Kind of a complicated question to answer.
I think about this sometimes. Sometimes I look at ants and wonder what happens to them when they die. I mean, they're not like us, but they're living too, so yeah. It's just interesting. But hey, you believe in what you believe in, and that's all that matters.

Eternal life in a peaceful as world would be pretty awesome though, heh. It'd also be pretty crowded too.
I'm not afraid of death. Death is not an avoidable thing. It is not something that if you mess up will happen, but otherwise you'll be fine. Death will happen, and no matter what you do or say, it will find you. So, I just live with that. I try to live a good and happy life and do as much as I can to make me and my friends happy. I travel, I teach myself things, educate myself further, and do as much as I can to have nice life. When death comes, there is no way to stop it, so there is no reason to fight it. You can really only accept it. Just hope death doesn't get to you too early, and you can live for a long long time. I don't believe there is an afterlife, which is one of the major ways people fall back on so they don't have to worry, I don't think I'll have another chance or have a continuation past death. Does that depress me? No, it is only more inspiration to get more out of life.
I am also afraid of death since there are many things that I wanted to fulfill in my life. Sometimes I am thinking about people who committed suicide, even though there are reasons behind it, I don't think I will ever do that in my life.

When I was a kid, I also thinks about my parents and grandparents (both from my father and mother sides are still alive) and I really wish that they would never die.
It's a scary topic for me. I fear it too, especially since I have no idea what'll happen next. Will I come back in a different body and a different family, or even a different animal? Fall into an eternal sleep filled with dreams? Fade away into complete nothingness, like an eternal sleep without dreams? Go to a glorious luxury in the sky? Will my spirit simply wander around the world? Go to a place deep beneath the earth where the temperature is so hot I burn up quickly and endure the pain and suffering I forced upon others?

I don't know. I just don't know. I sure hope there's something more to life after death though. I don't like to think about it, but ever since my reaction I had I think a little too often about it.
I'm not afraid of death. Death is not an avoidable thing. It is not something that if you mess up will happen, but otherwise you'll be fine. Death will happen, and no matter what you do or say, it will find you. So, I just live with that. I try to live a good and happy life and do as much as I can to make me and my friends happy. I travel, I teach myself things, educate myself further, and do as much as I can to have nice life. When death comes, there is no way to stop it, so there is no reason to fight it. You can really only accept it. Just hope death doesn't get to you too early, and you can live for a long long time. I don't believe there is an afterlife, which is one of the major ways people fall back on so they don't have to worry, I don't think I'll have another chance or have a continuation past death. Does that depress me? No, it is only more inspiration to get more out of life.
Ah but if it's truly nothingness then what is the point? You won't remember it.
Why are Christian Extremists still afraid of death?
Also... people do have certain... abilities... have you ever thought of something and it happened? Such as you think of a song and it comes on the radio? Or extrasensory abilities, like noticing when people are looking at you?
How did the universe start?
Did they find the God Particle?(This one I want the answer for)
Is Destiny real? What is good and what is bad? Is there a good and a bad? If so isn't the Yin Yang thing right?

Why are Christian Extremists still afraid of death?
Because I'm still scared of the dark.

Also... people do have certain... abilities... have you ever thought of something and it happened? Such as you think of a song and it comes on the radio? Or extrasensory abilities, like noticing when people are looking at you?
All the time, I imagine people without their clothes off, and what do you know? Butt naked in my bedroom. Right when Mum walks in, too. Awkward times ensue.

How did the universe start?
Somebody looked at God the wrong way.

Did they find the God Particle?(This one I want the answer for).

Is Destiny real? What is good and what is bad? Is there a good and a bad? If so isn't the Yin Yang thing right?
If Destiny's Child isn't real, I will cry every night before I go to bed. Wait, you didn't say anything about Destiny's Child? Uh, I mean... *shifty eyes*

NOTE: The above answers are jokes, olol.
The radio thing JUST happened on Saturday. Haha. But I believe that's a coincidence. As for the looking thing, yeah, I do believe humans have a sixth-sense of sorts.
I really am not afraid of being dead. I'm a afraid of dying. Once I'm dead there's nothing I can do to change what status my soul/mind/body/etc is in. Bring it on, death. What's the worst that can happen?