
I'm not afraid of death. Death is not an avoidable thing. It is not something that if you mess up will happen, but otherwise you'll be fine. Death will happen, and no matter what you do or say, it will find you. So, I just live with that. I try to live a good and happy life and do as much as I can to make me and my friends happy. I travel, I teach myself things, educate myself further, and do as much as I can to have nice life. When death comes, there is no way to stop it, so there is no reason to fight it. You can really only accept it. Just hope death doesn't get to you too early, and you can live for a long long time. I don't believe there is an afterlife, which is one of the major ways people fall back on so they don't have to worry, I don't think I'll have another chance or have a continuation past death. Does that depress me? No, it is only more inspiration to get more out of life.
Ah but if it's truly nothingness then what is the point? You won't remember it.
Why are Christian Extremists still afraid of death?
Also... people do have certain... abilities... have you ever thought of something and it happened? Such as you think of a song and it comes on the radio? Or extrasensory abilities, like noticing when people are looking at you?
How did the universe start?
Did they find the God Particle?(This one I want the answer for)
Is Destiny real? What is good and what is bad? Is there a good and a bad? If so isn't the Yin Yang thing right?
What's the point of life, you mean? There is no point. There is no pre-determined purpose, only the goals you set for yourself. I find it important to treat others nicely and have fun because there is already enough bad in the world and theres no point in making it any worse. So I try to make my friends happy and myself happy. I try to use my talents to benefit for myself or others as much as I can. To be honest, that freedom is much more exciting to me than a pre-written destiny that I have to live up to.

As for the second questions, there are many possible answers for that. There are many different perceptions of the Bible. They can be drastically different. There are those who cherish god,and there also ones who fear god by every mean and try anything to avoid upsetting him. They could be in a state of fear, or in a state of doubt with their beliefs and possibly trapped with those beliefs due to the pressure of society being highly Christian. It varys person to person.

And for the third one, coincidences are different from predictions.

We don't know for certain yet, but hopefully science will be able to answer that completely one day.

Couldn't tell ya. Well I could, but then they'd hunt me down.

Destiny and fate are things I couldn't disbelieve in more besides maybe leprechauns and the toothfairy.

There is such a thing as good and bad, but good and bad are different in the perceptions of each people. People have different morals and values. Most people would see the infliction of pain or misery on others as bad. But there are the psychopaths who don't understand that. Yin and Yang symbolizes the deep contrasts things can have, such as evil and peace, black and white, Penguins and zebras.
I'm not as afraid of it as i used to be.I believe that something good happens to you after you die.I dont know what really happens.who does?besides ghosts
Maybe you go to heaven,hell,turn into a ghost,get reincarnated,or a mixture of all those.

I think itll just be like your dreamning forever,and when you die in the dream,you just go to the next one.
What's the point of life, you mean? There is no point. There is no pre-determined purpose, only the goals you set for yourself. I find it important to treat others nicely and have fun because there is already enough bad in the world and theres no point in making it any worse. So I try to make my friends happy and myself happy. I try to use my talents to benefit for myself or others as much as I can. To be honest, that freedom is much more exciting to me than a pre-written destiny that I have to live up to.

As for the second questions, there are many possible answers for that. There are many different perceptions of the Bible. They can be drastically different. There are those who cherish god,and there also ones who fear god by every mean and try anything to avoid upsetting him. They could be in a state of fear, or in a state of doubt with their beliefs and possibly trapped with those beliefs due to the pressure of society being highly Christian. It varys person to person.

And for the third one, coincidences are different from predictions.

We don't know for certain yet, but hopefully science will be able to answer that completely one day.

Couldn't tell ya. Well I could, but then they'd hunt me down.

Destiny and fate are things I couldn't disbelieve in more besides maybe leprechauns and the toothfairy.

There is such a thing as good and bad, but good and bad are different in the perceptions of each people. People have different morals and values. Most people would see the infliction of pain or misery on others as bad. But there are the psychopaths who don't understand that. Yin and Yang symbolizes the deep contrasts things can have, such as evil and peace, black and white, Penguins and zebras.
Dear UT
Hmm those are some good opinions... just one thing... HOW CAN YOU NOT BEILIEVE IN LEPRECHAUNS?!

Anyway, I can see your point and stuff also, if there is no point to life REALLY, then that means there is no true good and bad. Just your perceptions. And your knowledge of Yin and Yang is different to mine then, because I always thought it was the balance of good an evil... also.. Penguins and Zebras aren't contrasting. HAHA I HAVE FOILED YOUR ARGUMENT ATHEIST SCUM! All joking aside, you bring a good opinion to this conversation (even though I might not agree with your statements >_<).


Love, Wasabi
PS. I said opinion too much... *sigh*
And Science is a weird religion, isn't it. Coincidences ARE predictions.
Yes, there is no point in being scared but that's easier said than done. I too am scared of death even though I believe in an afterlife. I don't know how I would react if I was held at gun-point. But I do know when I do die, I'll be at peace for once, I'm sick of being scared and waiting for something that canot be stopped. Just saying.
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@Wasabi, science isn't a religion. Science is based in fact while religion is based in belief.
What's the point of life, you mean? There is no point. There is no pre-determined purpose, only the goals you set for yourself. I find it important to treat others nicely and have fun because there is already enough bad in the world and theres no point in making it any worse. So I try to make my friends happy and myself happy. I try to use my talents to benefit for myself or others as much as I can. To be honest, that freedom is much more exciting to me than a pre-written destiny that I have to live up to.

As for the second questions, there are many possible answers for that. There are many different perceptions of the Bible. They can be drastically different. There are those who cherish god,and there also ones who fear god by every mean and try anything to avoid upsetting him. They could be in a state of fear, or in a state of doubt with their beliefs and possibly trapped with those beliefs due to the pressure of society being highly Christian. It varys person to person.

And for the third one, coincidences are different from predictions.

We don't know for certain yet, but hopefully science will be able to answer that completely one day.

Couldn't tell ya. Well I could, but then they'd hunt me down.

Destiny and fate are things I couldn't disbelieve in more besides maybe leprechauns and the toothfairy.

There is such a thing as good and bad, but good and bad are different in the perceptions of each people. People have different morals and values. Most people would see the infliction of pain or misery on others as bad. But there are the psychopaths who don't understand that. Yin and Yang symbolizes the deep contrasts things can have, such as evil and peace, black and white, Penguins and zebras.
Dear UT
Hmm those are some good opinions... just one thing... HOW CAN YOU NOT BEILIEVE IN LEPRECHAUNS?!

Anyway, I can see your point and stuff also, if there is no point to life REALLY, then that means there is no true good and bad. Just your perceptions. And your knowledge of Yin and Yang is different to mine then, because I always thought it was the balance of good an evil... also.. Penguins and Zebras aren't contrasting. HAHA I HAVE FOILED YOUR ARGUMENT ATHEIST SCUM! All joking aside, you bring a good opinion to this conversation (even though I might not agree with your statements >_<).


Love, Wasabi
PS. I said opinion too much... *sigh*
And Science is a weird religion, isn't it. Coincidences ARE predictions.
Good and bad can never be fact for everyone as others believe some things are good and some think they are bad. They can vary a lot or be very similar. It can really depend on your culture and religious beliefs. Many who are against gay marriage are only against it because of their religion.
Yin and Yang is just about contrast, but good and evil are often what is associated with it.
@Wasabi, science isn't a religion. Science is based in fact while religion is based in belief.
You still believe it don't you?
And isn't one of the rules of science "There are no 'true' facts?" Or something along those lines?
Science is open to new discoveries and recognizes that contradictions may be present, but it's based upon natural laws, facts and truths. The same cannot be said for a religion.

One available definition of religion is "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs," while science is defined as "a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws."

To accuse me of "believing" in science is pure folly. Unless you want to question the very principles upon which our universe is defined and the proofs that are associated with them, there is no believing in science; it just is.
@Wasabi, science isn't a religion. Science is based in fact while religion is based in belief.
You still believe it don't you?
And isn't one of the rules of science "There are no 'true' facts?" Or something along those lines?
Science is open to new discoveries and recognizes that contradictions may be present, but it's based upon natural laws, facts and truths. The same cannot be said for a religion.

One available definition of religion is "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs," while science is defined as "a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws."

To accuse me of "believing" in science is pure folly. Unless you want to question the very principles upon which our universe is defined and the proofs that are associated with them, there is no believing in science; it just is.
Very well said, science has evidence and support to back it up. Everything that science accepts as a truth can be tested and observed. It's not a matter of belief, it is a matter of fact. Religion does not have the evidence part going for it.
Meh, you don't have to believe in it though.
Religion is about teaching as well, that is why it was made, as an explanation since people weren't as "educated" back then and also to teach morals and beliefs. People have just escalated it to being about winning and being the "true" religion, which is human nature really. Science on the other hand is pure chaos, no guides, just facts, yes it was wrong to call it a religion, but it can also be used with religion, just because there is science does not mean there is religion. I have a feeling that those commas were used wrong but meh.

Anyway yeah I kinda realised my mistake there after I posted it.

And evidence is good and all but sometimes people just don't give a shit about evidence.
But there's still no believing science. To deny and to not "give a shit about evidence" would be to deny things like gravity. Jump up in the air. See how you came back down? Earth's mass is greater than your mass, so you are inadvertently attracted to it. That's just a fact. There's no disputing it. To deny science is to show ignorance because science, to the best of its abilities, uses indisputable truths to explain the natural world. Science doesn't render the world into chaos, but rather brings meaning and facts to a chaotic world.

Religion teaches through believing. There was no way for the Greeks to support that a god carried the sun through the sky each day in his chariot; they could only believe.
Basically, Religious belief and provable truth works like this.

I'm not scared of death, feeling like I am close to death gives me a massive rush actually
. I dunno what comes next, really, my mind is just the organised firing of electrical energy through a squishy, wet sponge. So if there is nothing after death, I will never know, because I won't be "aware," thus unable to tell. So I live my life doing things I enjoy, motorcycling, drinking, gaming and spending time with my mates. I know how I react when someone threatens me with death, and it's generally violent, and has a poor outcome for the other person...
Look, Science = How things work, based upon actual evidence, e.g An apple falls when you let go of it. Obviously SOMETHING has to be responsible for that, [insert sciencey explanation here] therfore gravity's there.

Religion = Our puropse, The universe's purpose, and a way for people to believe in something that they can't figure out.
Don't like weighing in to the science v religion debate, but what the hell. Organised religion, specifically Christianity, was initially "created" as way to explain things that, at the time, were inexplicable, as well as to maintain fear and control over the masses. Example, numerous times in the bible, the earth is referred to as "flat and unmoving," an is reffered to as the centre of the universe, and that all celestial bodies revolve around it. The words of "God." Interestingly, the Quoran and Islamic faith describes the world as a globe, floating through space: "It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion. (The Noble Quran, 21:33)."

Religion is a method of control and deception, it gives people the chance to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, with this god loving them and that god taking them to heaven when they die. People are generally scared of what they don't understand; racism, xenophobia and homophobia are classic examples. Religion is a way for people to explain things the can't understand, why is there life on Earth? God did it. It is a useful tool to push the ruling class' own moral presumptions upon the greater masses, don't have sex out of marriage or you will suffer in hell for all eternity. Science uses facts to reach conclusions. Religion searches for facts to support a predetermined conclusion. God is real because we say so. Science is real because the apple falls from the hand, the light splits through a prism.

Science flys you to the moon, religion flys you into skyscrapers.
Don't like weighing in to the science v religion debate, but what the hell. Organised religion, specifically Christianity, was initially "created" as way to explain things that, at the time, were inexplicable, as well as to maintain fear and control over the masses. Example, numerous times in the bible, the earth is referred to as "flat and unmoving," an is reffered to as the centre of the universe, and that all celestial bodies revolve around it. The words of "God." Interestingly, the Quoran and Islamic faith describes the world as a globe, floating through space: "It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion. (The Noble Quran, 21:33)."

Religion is a method of control and deception, it gives people the chance to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, with this god loving them and that god taking them to heaven when they die. People are generally scared of what they don't understand; racism, xenophobia and homophobia are classic examples. Religion is a way for people to explain things the can't understand, why is there life on Earth? God did it. It is a useful tool to push the ruling class' own moral presumptions upon the greater masses, don't have sex out of marriage or you will suffer in hell for all eternity. Science uses facts to reach conclusions. Religion searches for facts to support a predetermined conclusion. God is real because we say so. Science is real because the apple falls from the hand, the light splits through a prism.

Science flys you to the moon, religion flys you into skyscrapers.
Well said. You've earned a cookie.