Did you wish you can easily install a fan on a phone/tablet, so it runs cooler when gaming?


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I think it would be useful if there was a place on a smartphone or tablet for me to install an optional small sized cooling fan to cool my mobile device while I use it for gaming.

I don't really care if the cooling fan use more of the battery power on a tablet because I mostly play games at home, and sit close to a power outlet. I can very easily charge my device when I need to by plugging it into the charging cable.
yep, just the other day my app said my CPU was over heating for some odd reason. That's not good considering its near my SD card and I don't need that burnt out.
I do think it'd be nice to install fans on phones and tablets when gaming. They do tend to run hot.
I'm also going to go with no. It would really reduce the mobility of the device, and even more just sacrifice the sleek build quality that non-replaceable parts bring.

Sure I'd like to have some extra cooling when playing Ingress in the sun, but my phone cools off so fast after quitting anyways so I don't think using any more power would be ideal. And if I'm at home, I rather play on a better system anyway.
My previous phone used to get really hot when I would play games for long periods of time. I used to play a lot of tower defense games, so this would be an issue. I had to actually put it on an ice pack during the summer to keep it from overheating and shutting down during the summer!

A few months ago I read about piezo-style fans that are super compact that may come to mobile devices in coming years in an effort to cool off mobile devices without making noise. I don't think I would want a real traditional fan on my phone, but better heat distribution would definitely be nice.
I affiliate with the others who already said no.
First of all, I barely play games on my mobile phone, so the cost for it would really not be worth it for me. The only time I actually play on it is when I am not at home, for example when I am travelling.
I don't really care if the cooling fan use more of the battery power
So this argument would not make very much sense for my case, because I do not want to run out of battery when traveling ...
Lastly, I think that I would be able to take a break, once my smartphone gets a bit too hot and the cooling down process does not take that much time if you ask me.
The ideea would be really good.On my old phone whenever I play a high graphical game for like 30 mins it gets really hot and the battery is running out fast.On my new phone the problem isn't so high but it would still be a nice feature
If that is the case then is there a way that you can cool your device from the outside. If there is then this can come in handy in many situations.

Apps like TAP can help in this department as well. What it will do while you are playing games is shut down anything in the background that it can to maintain the performance of your phone at that time.
I wish! I have had the same iPod touch since 2013 and it was cool while I was using apps on there at that time, but it began to get really, really hot and it just glitch when I'm using certain apps for a long period of time, especially if I'm playing games, that's a really sad situation. But instead of a fan, I need a new iPod, lol.
I don't think I've ever really experienced overheating of that magnitude on my phone. I have used it for gaming/videos before, and occasionally it got hot, but I would never buy a device like that. I think it could be semi-useful for some people, but I think phone providers should just focus on making their phones less prone to overheating.
I'd rather my phone be mobile, so I just don't play for hours on end and if it gets hot, I'd play in front of a fan or on a cold surface. XD