Do you even care for StreetPass games any more?


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Because I have to say I don't.

Why? Because they're just not interesting to me. Heck, as I said to someone before, they're basically Nintendo's equivalent of cheap app store/free to play games or cow clickers. And with how long they take to beat (even more so if you live in a place with very few Nintendo fans like the UK), I just see them as a waste of time now.

So I'll stick to games like Dream Team, Link Between Worlds and other 3DS retail games thanks very much.
I've never even cared for StreePass. I've only gotten 2 besides the E3 event ones.
Not at all. I only use my play coins on Animal Crossing, to use them on something like Find Mii would be a waste.
wait, there are other streetpass games?

honestly i don't really care about 'em, i mean i use em as something else like

"oh cool i got a streetpass let's go play find mii"

eh, they're fun i guess
The only ones I really care for is Puzzle Swap and Find Mii in StreetPass Mii Plaza.

Once I complete everything on there, I won't care anymore.
Not at all! I even tried to play stuff like Mii Plaza but I had to spend my coins since I don't think it is normal to find people who bring their 3DS in sleep mode while walking in the streets, haha. Or at least in Europe, I guess this can happen only in Japan... However it was not much entertaining.
Nope. Once I got some of the hats from Find Mii, I was done. There's no fun to the games, the Hire a Hero option sucks and rooms where you need a specific colour or you auto lose no matter how many heroes you have, is just plain stupid.

I never got any enjoyment from these games, outside of unlocking a new hat. I am happy to have Star Fox's ship as a hat.
I think Streetpass functions are the biggest "gimmick" selling point of the 3DS. The games themselves help customize your profile and thus I find them entertaining. It bugs me how many people I see playing 3DSs in public with the wifi off, but I still manage to get at least one a week if I carry mine around at work and when running errands. It is especially fun when meeting up with friends and using their characters in the streetpass games or swapping puzzle pieces. If the other streetpass games came to the US, I would certainly buy them up.
Nope. I find them boring and a waste of good space.
Well... I was kind of enjoying them now that my husband has a 3DS as well, and I was finally able to get streetpasses on a regular basis because of it. I've gotten maybe 3 or 4 real streetpasses other then him. But I finished the first Find Me and unlocked the second and am seriously disappointed in it. Turns out to progress you have to have two people with the exact same color shirts enter some of the rooms to get past them, which means it'll be nearly impossible for us to get through the game.

I really, really hope Nintendo's new 'fix' for the Streetpass in western countries works well and improves it. Streetpass is a really novel and interesting idea, but it really just doesn't work if your not constantly in a densely populated area.
i like trying to unlock all the hats and i find completed puzzle swap panels cool to look at, yes they are not the most fun and exciting games u can play but i dont play them for fun and excitement i play for the unlocks
i like trying to unlock all the hats and i find completed puzzle swap panels cool to look at, yes they are not the most fun and exciting games u can play but i dont play them for fun and excitement i play for the unlocks

i play them for both for fun and excitement i play for the unlocks
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UPDATE! The full Streetpass Plaza update has come to the US! I bought the bundle of 4 games this morning and think that the Monster Manor game is my favorite thus far. It really has some interesting layers of strategy. Mii Force is also a fun old-school style shooter with great strategy and controls, but I might eventually become annoyed with only being able to challenge one stage at a time before losing all my men. Granted, the other two titles included in the bundle are very bland games, I certainly feel this bundle is a must-get for all 3DS owners as you will find a bit of something for everyone and the games will last you quite a long time. I will possibly work on a full review once I have had the weekend to play them more (and streetpass with my friends every day to check out what kind of progress I can make).
One bad thing about 3ds streetpass is your coin counter u keep resetting
time and date after u walk 1000 steps too add another 10 coins on to ur
counter they should an update it when u pass 1000 steps its
automatically resets itself to collect more 10 coins and go pass 300
I actually enjoy Find Mii and Puzzle Swap. Other than those two, I don't really care about Streetpass.