Do you like or dislike long running anime?

Well, I don't like naruto anymore.
I didn't like it's ending and the same goes to bleach as well. So, I believe long running anime might end up as boring anime after sometime.

Yo, long time no see! Bleach's ending was alright, considering it was rushed out of the gate.

For me, it depends if the anime is milking the story for views *coughshippudencough* or if it's just a longer running story. I believe there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. For example, One Piece is VERY long, but anyone that watches/reads it will know that it will eventually conclude.

Shippuden had its ups and downs, but it needs the DBZ Kai treatment with some episodes redone *cough 167 cough*

Oh, One Piece will never conclude, NEVER!
DBZ is a fine example of "milking the cow" but it's damn good so no complaints there. Naruto was crawling with fillers and stupid flashbacks it made me sick. At best I prefer anime with 12 or 24 episodes (unless it's so good I want MOOORRREE!!!). I'm currently watching Sousei no Onmyoji and Dies Irae.
The animation in DBZ was really nice, but I prefer DBK and DBS honestly.
At least DBK and DBS show more action, still remember how DBZ would provide episodes with 1 attack and the rest would be filled up with breathing and maybe talking.

At least, that's what I thought when DBS started airing.
Now with the Universal Survival Arc, I can actually see why they did that.
DBS has come to the point where less stuff happen in each episode, but that seems to give the creators more ease and time to improve on its number 1 criticism: animation.
Mind explaining which music you mean?
Because the Japanese, American, and European dubs all used quite different OST (and voices).

Speaking of voices, I have a mixed approach to this one.
I prefer the American voices for Goku and Vegeta on one hand, but I prefer the Japanese voices for Beerus and Whis on the other hand.
My only problem with shows that have hundreds of episodes is the time I have to put in to catch up, but on the plus side, I don't have to wait literally years for the next season of a show I like if they even make another season. Though with shorter shows, I can look forward to new stuff that comes out every season, as I don't have time to watch 400 episodes of Naruto on top of watching airing shows.