Do you like riding on Fast things like sports cars, roller coasters, skateboards, motorbikes, and sp


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Yes, I love the feeling of speed riding down a mountain on a snowboard, rolling down a hill on a skateboard, riding on a roller coaster, fast car, and biking down a hill.

I never experience riding on a motorbike, or being on a speed boat, but I like to experience it at least once in my lifetime even if I'm not the driver, I'll be happy sitting on the back of a motorcycle or speed boat.
Out of all the things listed, I have only been on a roller coaster. I like roller coasters that aren't too scary, too high, or too fast.
i don't own a car but i really do love rollercoasters. there's just something a conventional vehicle cannot offer. too bad tickets are not free to the amusement park.. blah
Roallercoasters and Skies, are just awesome.
The bigger, higher, faster, the better
I wish there were rollercoasters instead of public transport (buses, taxis etc) wouldn't that make boring daily routine a little more fun xD
I love rollercoasters, although I'm also TERRIFIED to get on them. Generally I can't go on one by myself, because I need someone to grab onto once it gets really scary and it's weird to do that to a stranger, lol. :laugh: For ones like Space Mountain, though, I can go by myself.

I HATE those rocking boat rides, though! You know, the ones that are shaped like a Viking ship or something and the more you rock the higher up you go, until you're nearly vertical? Scary!
I actually love riding fast things. I love myself a thrill, and not to be cocky, but I am not scared of that stuff. Roller coasters are so much fun and not scary at all!
I love driving fast cars and I have experienced being on a motorbike doing 180mph. And to everyone terrified of thrill seeking - It wouldn't be fun if you weren't scared.
I do like riding them but I get nervous too.
It's kinda hard to explain but yeah I do like riding I suppose.