Do you think a forum, YouTube channel, website be more successful if it had a Physical Office?


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I think it is possible that a forum, blog, and websites has a higher chance of being successful if the staff like the owner had an office which is not located in their home or a public place like a library or school.

The owner and workers will have more time and fewer distractions like loud family members, rude roommates, and bad neighbors which can make working on forums, websites, and YouTube channels harder to do because of loud noises which can make doing things like posting on forums, livestreaming, and making online video harder to do well because of distraction from loud noises which can make it harder to concentrate on work.

Most of the time having loud noises in online video is not very enjoyable to listen to in video, so the video's creator will need to edit out the noise, or re-record the video, or audio clip which can waste a lot of un-needed time.
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As far as youtube video making goes, then yes you need your own little private area that is sound proof and free of distractions. Everything else though, being at home works fine, family distractions pending.
When YouTube starts turning into a money-making job, sure, you'll need a private area that is preferably soundproofed. A forum, however, I don't see why it would need an office.

A lot of forums are used for technical support and customer service questions for companies like Microsoft, Internet Service Providers, and Colleges, so they may already have an office because most tech support and customer service departments have an office.

There are some bigger forums and blogs which make hundreds to thousands of dollars from ads and selling services like graphic design and selling stuff, so the forum owner can afford rent an office. Webmasters may want to rent an office to have a quiet place to get more work done to improve their forum without distractions from family members, friends, and pets.
I think for YouTube, private space is necessary if you're making any type of professional videos. Lots of background noise can be present at home and other places.

For website and forum owners, I think an office would be helpful, but not required.
Youtube, definitely yes otherwise spend hours of there ti.e editing the audio to remove the background noise and I had to do it couple of times which isn't easy or fun. As for owner of your personal website it's probably hardly not a good idea with your own office building lol
For a YouTube channel I can see the need for silence/a private office or something. For a blog or forum I think it depends on the size, type of work conducted and the amount of staff you have. For this forum, I see no need for an office - we just talk about gaming and although we still work hard the stuff we do isn't of a delicate nature as such as something like handling user complaints about a product for a large business.
Youtube, definitely yes otherwise spend hours of there ti.e editing the audio to remove the background noise and I had to do it couple of times which isn't easy or fun. As for owner of your personal website it's probably hardly not a good idea with your own office building lol

I agree getting an office for a personal website is not a good idea unless the owner has a lot of money, and feel their personal website can make enough money from selling stuff, ads, and donations to support a website.

It maybe a good idea to rent a small room to use as an office if the website owner's home is very small like they only rent a small room which just has enough space for a bed, and some clothes, or they live in their car.
Well it depends on what your doing really. if you sell goods or services then yes its better to have a office for that kind of things. If you just own a forum then no unless you plan to do more.
I agree it depends on what you are doing. If you plan on selling a lot of stuff and services, a office would be a good idea.

A office would be useful if you run a news forum, or blog like IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku where they post interviews with professionals like game makers, celebrities, voice actors, and graphic designer who are related on your websites. I think a lot of guests would feel unsafe going to a website owner's personal home's to perform an interview compared going to an office in a building where there are other workers in other rooms and floors.

I think if you use a forum as a non-profit charity main website which collect donations, and recruit volunteers to help people and causes like helping animals, it can be useful to have a physical address at a small office where people can send donations, or even make appointments to meet with a staff member to talk about their charity, volunteer information, and donate money in person.

I would more likely feel a non-profit is a scam if it did not have any address listed on a website, or the address is someone's personal home address instead of an address at a office building.
Same. I wish I had more people in my bedroom. Particularly females. Particularly at night. :cry:
Are they going to be naked? then count me in, And also with that going on no work will not get done
But how would you get forum work done with female company in your room? :confused:

In the early days of computer science, there were more females who were computer programmers, and the COBOL and PERL computer programming language were created by women inventor.

Sadly, there are now a smaller percentage of women in computer science related jobs like web design, and development. But, you can still find some women who are good at tasks related to web design because a lot of females run websites these days.
Honestly, I don't think a physical office would help a forum that much but then again, I might be wrong.
a comfy admin is a working admin.

I agree a comfortable admin is a working admin. Some people live in a small room with noisy roommates, or family members like their loud baby brother which can make working on a forum very harder. It is not always easy to tell roommates, and family members to settle down because they may not be mature enough to settle down, or they have anger problems where they become loud at home.

Some houses also don't have access to high speed internet connections because the cable or DSL company does not offer fast speeds if you live in a small town or farm, so working on a forum on dial-up would be harder.

In some cities, there are more affordable or free shared office spaces where technical workers like writers, graphic designers, and web designers can rent for an affordable price, so they can work in their own private table, and also have access to faster internet speeds, and equipment like a printer, scanner, and photo copier.
Well.....there is no denying that but people don't have to have an office to be comfortable.

I think most comfortable website owner needs to have a quiet room which can fit a medium size table, comfortable office chair, equipment like a computer, external hard drives, printer, scanner, and enough space for storing books related to web design, and website marketing/promotions.