Do you think Nintendo will make many mobile games in the future?


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I was reading Nintendo Thinks Smartphone Games Will Quadruple Their Profits , and Nintendo said that mobile games will make them 4 times more profitable.

Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima believes that mobile gaming will help the company quadruple its profits for the coming years. This is according to a recent interview with Kimishima by Mainichi Shimbun (translated by Dr. Serkan Toto), where Kimishima believes that this partnership with DeNA will rake in as much as $855 million over the next few years.

I think Nintendo's DeNA will release a lot of mobile games like other mobile game makers like King, Gameloft, and Rovio which release many games a year, so Nintendo will make many mobile games because most mobile games like Flappy Birds, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja are simpler to make because their plot, gameplay, and graphics are not as high quality as a PC or console games, so DeNA can make more games in a shorter amount of time.

But, Nintendo will probably still make many console games in the future unless Nintendo partnered with a company like AMD or Nvidia to make a Gaming tablet or handheld with a controller like the Nvidia Shield, so gamers can play games on their phone and Gaming tablet and handheld.
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there not wrong in thinking that, though if they don't make good games they won't see that amount. I know their starting out games is very lackluster.
I agree Nintendo needs to make many good mobile games which people want to play if they plan to make $855 Million from mobile games in the next few years.
I'm like 99% convinced that the NX will be a console with a smartphone attachment as the 'heldheld' so yes, I think they're going to be making a lot more mobile games.

Given what we've seen from Pokemon Shuffle and Pokemon Picross, I'm looking forward to what we get.
Who's knows what they might bring in the future
Well, if we also consider the rumor that Nintendo might be using Android OS in the future, I think that Tatsumi Kimishima might be on to something when he estimated that mobile games will quadruple their profit in the next few years.
If Nintendo could port some of their DS games over to smart phones I'm sure they would see some strong sales. Also it seems people on mobile gaming are so much more open to micro-transactions than a lot of console gamers are, they could make some money through that way as well.

Issue with DS games though is that you need a second touch screen for most games.
Issue with DS games though is that you need a second touch screen for most games.
That is true, but if I they could figure out a way to make them on mobile, I think Nintendo could have a goldmine. I would definitely be interesting in purchasing something like Nintendogs if they were to bring that over to mobile. It doesn't have to be a direct port I guess, even just a new game based on their games could probably be a hit.
That is true, but if I they could figure out a way to make them on mobile, I think Nintendo could have a goldmine. I would definitely be interesting in purchasing something like Nintendogs if they were to bring that over to mobile. It doesn't have to be a direct port I guess, even just a new game based on their games could probably be a hit.

it be impossible without adding a second screen. To force it would just make the game hard to play.
Issue with DS games though is that you need a second touch screen for most games.

There are now smartphones with 6 inch or bigger screens, so Nintendo could make a 2 Window/screen mode game where the 6 inch screen is split into two windows for making 2 virtual screens sort of like how you can have 2 windows opened at the same time on bigger computer monitors to give the appearance of 2 screens on 1 screen.
There are now smartphones with 6 inch or bigger screens, so Nintendo could make a 2 Window/screen mode game where the 6 inch screen is split into two windows for making 2 virtual screens sort of like how you can have 2 windows opened at the same time on bigger computer monitors to give the appearance of 2 screens on 1 screen.

hrmm, that is true but I fear the resolution of the image could still be an issue.
hrmm, that is true but I fear the resolution of the image could still be an issue.

I think some smartphones has a 4K display, so the resolution is high enough to display two windows clearly on a 6 inch or bigger display. But, the DS games may need to have improved graphics, so the video looks more smooth, and less jagged/pixelated on higher resolution smartphones with a 4K display.
I think some smartphones has a 4K display, so the resolution is high enough to display two windows clearly on a 6 inch or bigger display. But, the DS games may need to have improved graphics, so the video looks more smooth, and less jagged/pixelated on higher resolution smartphones with a 4K display.

resolution may have been the wrong word. I meant screen size as touch screen would nearly have to be the same size of the DS touch screen. A smaller output could cause input issues.
resolution may have been the wrong word. I meant screen size as touch screen would nearly have to be the same size of the DS touch screen. A smaller output could cause input issues.

Maybe Nintendo can make a small stylus pen for using to play games on a smaller sized windows on a split-screen touchscreen, or make DS games exclusive to 6 inch and bigger smartphones and tablets.
Having to focus on smaller objects for long though will be bad for anyone's eyes.

Nintendo can make a mini version of the Wii U tablet to make games playable on two screens on a smartphone which has smaller screens.

Maybe Nintendo can make some DS games, tablet exclusives like they only work for iPad, Kindle Fire, and Google Android tablets with 7 inch and bigger screens.
Also, playing without buttons is lame. For instance, let's say they make a direct, 1-to-1 port of The World Ends With You. On the DS you had to maneuver on the bottom screen with your stylus, then also press on the D-Pad or face buttons, controlling two screens at once during almost every battle. With digital, on-screen buttons, it just wouldn't work. Pokemon barely feels good with on-screen buttons, regardless of screen size.

The best way for Nintendo to approach the mobile market is to make mobile games. Not ported games, games designed from the ground up to work with the mobile platforms.
Perhaps I was wrong by saying ported in the first place. While that would probably be the easiest and cheapest way for Nintendo to do it, I think they could still be successful by taking the ideas behind DS games and bringing those to the mobile market in new, redesigned games that were built from the ground up to work on mobile devices.
Oh, yeah, I'm with you then. It's just a common sentiment I see whenever people talk about what Nintendo should do when bringing their brand to mobile. "Just port Pokemon and be done with it!" Even with similar games designed for mobile, like Pocket Mortys, you still have the on-screen buttons, which are just not as responsive and natural as actual buttons, and it makes the overall experience bad.

My ideal Nintendo game would be something like that Super Mario Puzzles & Dragons. That should have been a mobile game instead of on the 3DS, it's effectively all touch screen. If they put together a Pokemon puzzle game of sorts, where you still build a team and are still following the general path of the normal games you make it feel like a real game, without having it feel like a lazy port.