Do you think you still need an internet connection at home to work on a forum or website?


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I think if a user are very poor, and don't have internet at home, or the user is homeless, there are some public places like the library, internet cafe, public school/college, and some places which let users use the internet and computer for free, or a small hourly fee like a few dollars per hour at an internet cafe. Users can technically work on a forum or website on a public internet connection.

It is possible to run a forum from a smartphone or tablet with a wi-fi or cellular connection, but it will be very inconvenient and expensive if you use a cellular data plan. I once read a post on ForumPromotions where a user had to use their Android tablet to work on their forum because their computer broke.
Do what you got to do, but you need internet if you want anything online done.
What's so bad about that? One of my staff members doesn't own a computer or laptop and does everything online from her smartphone and tablet.
I mean it can be done, but I feel like using a tablet for forum design, etc would be such a huge hassle messing with the CSS and HTML codings, etc.. As for designing the website/forum you can easily do that offline. You would just need internet of course to upload it all, but testing it can be done at home easily using Apache etc.
What's so bad about that? One of my staff members doesn't own a computer or laptop and does everything online from her smartphone and tablet.

I think eye strain and tired eyes could be a problem when staring at a smaller screen for an hour or more when moderating or administrating a forum.

Some forum software needs you to read small text, check checkboxs, and use drop down menu which can be hard to see on a smaller screen unless you zoom in to the forum page. But, when you zoom-in, you see less of the text on the page.
I tried it once on my Tab 7 and never again. If you did to get some thing done in a time frame you will need a computer and internet to get it done.

I also tried doing forum related task on a tablet, and it was not a good experience because of the screen size, and on-screen keyboard which is slower to type on than a regular keyboard with buttons, and shortcut keys like CTRL+V/Paste.

I think if you are a moderator or administrator on a very active forum with many active members, it would be hard to enforce the rules by deleting spam or troll post, do maintenance work like backup a database for the forum, and other forum related tasks in a timely manner.
Yup because the AMF guys are pretty ruthless when it comes to work. They want the technical issues to be fixed just like that. It gets tiring after sometime ;_;