Ever wanted to learn a foreign language?

I need to learn how to speak Spanish because that would be so useful. I also need to get fluent in Tagalog (Filipino) my family's native tongue.
I have tried learning Spanish but it's not going so well. I'm not giving up on it yet.
Japanese seems like it's going to be difficult to learn. In movies it sounds hard.
The grammar isn’t difficult, but learning to read it is the most tedious part. They use 3 alphabets, and one of them (kanji) has 80,000 characters. Though most Japanese people don’t have all of them memorized, so you just need to know the more common ones.
If I can learn French language, I will give it everything that I have. It's a language that cuts across the globe.
It would be nice - but it is a major investment of time and effort, which is only worth doing if I'm actually going to use the language (and, due to my poor social confidence, it's unlikely that I would: I find it hard enough communicating in my native language!)

As it is, all I have is what's left of my high-school French and Spanish - which doesn't even make me functional, let alone fluent!
I've always wanted to learn Spanish but never had the discipline to follow through. Learning a new language takes a lot of time, dedication, and consistency.
12 Years ago it was a Dream for me to learn GERMAN

and here i am speaking German Like a Little Devil :)
I wouldn't mind learning a language. But I don't have any plans really to travel abroad so I don't know if I'd be serious about learning it or not.
I need to learn how to speak Spanish because that would be so useful. I also need to get fluent in Tagalog (Filipino) my family's native tongue.
I actually do and have learnt a few of them using the Duolingo language learning application.
You should push to learn this! My cousin did and he is so happy with the progress that he's had learning it. Why not give it a try?
I trying to learn it now and doing well so far.