
In all fairness the big bang is a possible solution to the question of how things began but it is still a theory. There could be something else entirely that started it all; nothing's been proven. Maybe an 8 eyed space monster farted and the gas mixed with the breath of Amagunagah the Flame Dragon to create the universe.

Who can say?
Yeah, but things that are wildly accepted are the ones that make the most sense. >_>
It is infinite for now because it continuously grows, but some time in the really far future, it will stop expanding, then it will shrink, and a reverse Big Bang will happen. Then a new universe will be made.
It's science, so it's right. If they change it, then that's right. Science is the only logical solution. Why? Because it's science.
You guys ever watch into the universe with steven hawking? Well worth a look, has great visuals and he breaks down some theories similar to what's being discussed here.
Yep. And he has that dry humor, it's present throughout. It's just 3 episodes, they cover aliens, time travel (where he PROVES that it's possible to move forward in time) and both the beginning and the end of existence.
British people have dry humor. Though I don't think Hawking is a Brit.