Examples of games crossing the line

Call of Duty was the first franchise that came to mind for me as well. I think it was Modern Warfare II which had a mission where you walk through a mall and shoot as many innocent civilians as possible. While I do think that could potentially be a line crossed, the developers do offers players the option to skip the mission due to its controversial nature. A great idea on their part, of course, to judge them as you will. I played the mission because I assumed it added important things to the campaign story, but I felt sick doing it.
Knowing that you played it, did it really add anything to the campaign story? Or make no different?
I'm pretty much a free speech/freedom of expression absolutist, so no games have ever crossed the line for me. There are definitely games I consider distasteful, like JFK Reloaded (replay the JFK assassination) and Super Columbine Massacre RPG (guess). And some games like Hatred and Manhunt are certainly controversial.

But I still feel such games have a right to exist, if only because the other option would be to set a bad precedent for media in general.
I can't really think of any video game that has "crossed the line" (at least, not any game that I've played). I agree with some of what other people have said before me. There seem to be some games that have crossed a line but I haven't had any experience with it.