Facebook and Unity partner to develop new PC gaming platform


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Facebook announced today that it's partnering with Unity to develop a PC gaming platform for desktop, taking a page out of Steam's book and offering up an app that players can use to find and play new games. This isn't the first time we've seen a desktop gaming app from Facebook, with Facebook Games Arcade launching into beta earlier this year, but with this new initiative, both companies are looking to make things considerably easier for developers to offer their games to Facebook's massive audience.

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I wonder if Facebook PC Gaming platform would mean that gamers can install Facebook web browser games directly onto their PC to play Facebook games offline when they are not online, or on Facebook's website.

It's good to see that Facebook and Unity are not ignoring PC gaming, and only focusing on mobile and web browser gaming.

Game makers will have another website to publish their game to, so they don't just rely on Steam, and GOG for publishing their games to.
Not sure if I would trust any gaming from facebook.
Not sure if I would trust any gaming from facebook.

If a PC game looks good, has high user reviews, and was only available on Facebook PC gaming platform, I think about downloading or buying the game on Facebook PC games store.

I think most of the games won't be made by Facebook, and Facebook is providing an online store for game makers to host their games, and allow people to easily find their games without using Facebook's full website at Facebook.com.

I played a few fun 3D and casual gaming titles on Facebook website before, and I think making them work on a PC's desktop without the need for running a game in a web browser is a good idea since the game may run faster as a standalone game running on a PC instead of running in a web browser. Web browsers like Internet Explorer can use up a lot of RAM, and CPU resources which makes playing games on browsers slow sometimes.
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I've never really been a fan of Facebook games and I don't understand the people who find them addictive.

I think people who enjoy collecting, and building games like Sim City may like some Facebook games because a lot of Facebook games have a collecting and building theme where you can collect stuff, and build a farm, city, or fish tank.

Most Facebook games also let you play at your own pace, and you can still enjoy the game when you are stuck at lower levels. The games on Facebook don't have boss fights usually, and you just play them to collect, and build things in most games.
Forums are damn addictive, a person like myself that doesn't use Facebook much or doesn't like it won't play facebook games. Had allot of game invite's and yet I'm not interested so I rejected. Probably be the same with this game, Rejected
most likely for the same reason you find forums addicting.

I agree, Facebook games could be addicting like forums because you can meet people with similar interests, and talk about your favorite Facebook game, and also trade and share items which you got in the game.