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Having kids, it's a joyous thought of continuing the family line and give your home more life. But as I've lived these past many years and watched and listen to many different lifes and see the state of the world and it's murky future I have to wonder and think, is it wrong to have kids?
Do you feel it's right to have kids to face many more hardships than what we had growing up in a world that slowly seems to be going to hell?
I feel you on this one. I told myself when I was 21 years old that I did not want to have kids in this life because the way this international community is in the 21st century.
I don't like the fact that the things we complain about, we don't change, war, stupid stuff that happens in society, etc. I feel like my child has a slim chance at making a better living than me and that alone will prevent me from having kids. My children deserve more than me because I said so, but when I have to rely on the government, or in other words, if my children will have to struggle to get away from government dependence because of laws, then I will not have kids.