Final Fantasy 15 is ten years old


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As of May 8th 2016, that's right it was announced ten years ago as Final Fantasy Versus XIII which was apart of the FF 13 expanded universe saga.

Now ten years later, we will finally get the game :P But here is the E3 trailer from back then:

I haven't played any of the game and only seen my cousin playing it but for the first time, I so wanted to play this game and can't wait for it.
you talking about the FF 13 series? This game is no longer apart of it and is now FF 15.

It's the FF 15. I am not informative on the 13 but did read it at the game information regarding about ff 13 and 15. What i am confused about is why developing it for 10 years and change it to 15?
Really cant wait for this one, ive herd this is going to be an open world game so lets hope and the latest trailers look just amazing... I only wish i could get a PS4 quick enough. Does anyone know if its going to be released on a PC?
Really cant wait for this one, ive herd this is going to be an open world game so lets hope and the latest trailers look just amazing... I only wish i could get a PS4 quick enough. Does anyone know if its going to be released on a PC?

All I can tell you is that SE hasn't said it won't be on PC. So it might be on PC and it might not. Only time will tell but if I had to bet, I would say they do a PC port/make in the far future.
All I can tell you is that SE hasn't said it won't be on PC. So it might be on PC and it might not. Only time will tell but if I had to bet, I would say they do a PC port/make in the far future.
What do you think of FF15 from previews and demos thus far? Never played any of them so not sure what to make of it.
hmm i dont know why but i always like the pc versions better than the console versions for some reason. I do hope it comes in pc in the end whenever that maybe