Forum game: Caption the avatar above you.

Darn you Porkman D:< You even stole my idea XD

For Porky: "Actually, you ARE a moron."
How many cookies did you eat?

*Breathing heavy.* "And that... was my... super ultra happy... dance."
*Happily stomps on bug*
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"This isn't just a's THE finger."
Where'd MY other arm go?
The ladies like the white hair 'cause it's more mature looking ;D
I am Chompski! Rescue me!

EDIT: you need to play Left 4 Dead 2 to understand that.
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*To Officer Jenny* "I am Arcanine not Growlithe."

You'd need to see Officer Jenny's mistake in the anime to get it.
I support the Power of this color!...Black Power!