Forum game: Caption the avatar above you.

Darn you Porkman D:< You even stole my idea XD

For Porky: "Actually, you ARE a moron."
*Breathing heavy.* "And that... was my... super ultra happy... dance."
*Happily stomps on bug*
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"This isn't just a's THE finger."
"Bet you can't guess how many fingers I'm holding up."
Where'd MY other arm go?
Hey... Where's my mouth? Or eyes? Or any actual body part?
The ladies like the white hair 'cause it's more mature looking ;D
I am Chompski! Rescue me!

EDIT: you need to play Left 4 Dead 2 to understand that.
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*To Officer Jenny* "I am Arcanine not Growlithe."

You'd need to see Officer Jenny's mistake in the anime to get it.
I support the Power of this color!...Black Power!