Friend Codes

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Here's my Friends List, so far. If your name is grey, it means I added you, but you didn't add me:
  1. RootBoi (2492-4140-3369)
  2. Juan (3823-8514-6878)
  3. Ben (1032-1215-8427)
  4. Andy (4296-3001-5967)
  5. Kyle (0216-0812-0467)
  6. Darki (3351-4043-2981)
  7. [NZ]Bio (0087-2321-6958)
  8. Reschke (3952-7031-7232)
Awesome, got me some friends now!

lol... that sounds kind of sad out of context
Haha true... Imma just go sit in a dark room, light some candles and cry softly while writing sensitive poetry about how hard it is to find decent skinny jeans and what colour I should dye my side-fringe next... /emo babble

Don't worry, now you got RootBoi to accompany you to sit in a dark room
Added ya'll!

Heres mine

Name: Ivie

FC: 5455-9383-6204
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I now have 11 friends registered, who are (by Mii name):
  1. RootBoi
  2. Juan
  3. Ben
  4. Andy
  5. Kyle
  6. Darki
  7. [NZ]Bio
  8. Reschke
  9. Ian J
  10. Martin
  11. Ivie
Not only are all 11 of my friends from this topic, I'm also certain that these are all of the friend codes from this topic.
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