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Need to check few games from Tokyo Olympics. Wondering if my country will win few more medals
I hear the states are struggling.
You guys are first to be fair with 9 golds so you're not struggling that much. The UK only has 4 golds which is not great but we are proud of everyone that won a medal I guess.
Saw Taco Bell's Fry Force Commercial, nice mecha anime:
Saw a nice video on F-35B's Short Take Off And Vertical Landing Capabilities
Saw a Bronze Nami statue pic:
Thought it was hilarious as well until I saw someone tweet that Starfish tend to eat Sea Sponges :eek:
Saw this, Iron Man anime Ep1 is free to watch on youtube:
Saw a nice real mission HUD video on a combat Pilot dodging 6 SAM missilies, real ace combat pilot skills there, puling 6.5 Gs continuous maneuvers:
Analysis/commentary of the video by former F/A - 18 Hornet Combat Pilot:
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