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Oh, I see.
For a moment I thought it meant something like an "internship". (;^ω^)
I've always worked for small companies, at one of them I even have been the only employee for a while, since the employer was temporarily working at a different company for a while, and everyone else were on internship.
So basically I was the unofficial employer during that time. 草
I see. I am not aware of that at all. I guess that makes sense. I did worked as an intern before... And I had a mentor.
They usually gives our the grades and such.. Or was it called rating....
Just saw a video on operating a ramen restaurant in Japan:
I will have to work tomorrow... It's a national holiday.
I can't believe I have to work during independence day no less...
I am too tired and irritated with my incharge to even think straight as of now
Today I've been trying out my new Maibatchi (drum sticks for use with arcade versions of Taiko no Tatsujin), and suddenly befriended a Korean traveler as a result.
Never knew friendship could possibly feel nice, which is what I learnt today.
Saw some nice King of Fighters Figures pics from siliconera:





So @NameGervin saw your link to your blog with the "safe for work", so no PLOT on your blog eh? lol
Definitely :p

I'll be puting only worthy animes and not those full of fanservice or those series that doesn't make sense.

Nah jk I'll be putting random shits. :p

So will you be putting game reviews as well? are you going to review Valkyria Chronicles 4 when it's out?
Just read from gizmodo about the discovery of an ancient cheese lol cursed cheese:


The jar containing ancient cheese was buried alongside Ptahmes, the mayor of the sprawling Egyptian city of Memphis, the capital of Lower Egypt at the time. The site dates back to the 19th Dynasty, which ruled over Egypt from 1292 BC to 1189 BC. As a political figure, Ptahmes was a big deal; in addition to his mayoral duties, he worked as the military chief of staff and he oversaw the city’s treasury. Upon his death, Ptahmes’ status was elevated to High Priest of the god Amun, an early Egyptian deity. And as the new study points out, he may also have had a thing for cheese.

Nearly 33 centuries of exposure to the strong alkaline desert environment altered the chemical nature of the sample (particularly its fatty content), making analysis of the white substance difficult. To study the alleged cheese, a team led by Enrico Greco of the University of Catania in Italy had to devise an entirely new way of analyzing proteins and identifying peptide markers (short chains of amino acids that signal the presence of specific substances). After dissolving bits of the white mass, Greco’s team isolated and purified protein samples. The proteins were carefully analyzed using mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography. Despite the years of decay, the researchers were still able to identify specific peptide markers, identifying the substance as a type of hard cheese.

Analysis showed that the dairy product was produced by mixing milk from goat, sheep, and, strangely, African buffalo—a species not typically associated with domestic animals kept and milked in modern Africa. Analysis of the canvas cloth showed it was good for holding solid, and not liquid, substances; this cloth was likely used to cover the cheese, or the possibly the top of the jar.

But the researchers also found peptide markers consistent with Brucella melitensis—a bacterium that causes brucellosis. Not surprisingly, this cheese was unpasteurized, making it a potentially dangerous, albeit tasty, food.
Saw this cool 16-bit Avengers' Thanos boss battle:
Indeed 16 and 8 bit stuff got that cool, "classic" charm to it.
Speaking of anime, I have sort of an anime schedule when my friend goes back to school. It's small, but I'm going to finish season 3 of My Hero Academia, and then start Kill La Kill because I've been hearing about it a lot recently and someone told me I would really like it.

Also, I just beat Megaman X3 and I'm so happy.
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