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Just saw this lol "Arcee" with PLOT:
Just read on McDonalds Japan fined for the fake Roast Beef Burger ad back in 2017, from kotaku:


Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency has fined McDonald’s after breaking the law and misrepresenting the Tokyo Roast Beef Burger sold in summer 2017. According to NicoNico, the fine is 21.7 million yen (nearly $200,000) and must be paid by December 25 of this year.

The original “Tokyo Roast Beef Burger” ads featured what looked like real slices of roast beef.

However, the sandwiches used “processed and reformed meat.” McDonald’s admitted to this, saying this meat was used to increase production.

Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency said that McDonald’s broke the law, misrepresenting its products and misleading customers.
Maybe I have a japanese blood xD
Maybe one of yer ancestors' Waifu was Japanese lol

Just saw an excellent video of The F/A-18 Hornet and how to be an Elite Combat Pilot, niiice!
The narrator made a mistake though, F-16 Viper is the most maneuverable of US fighters and not the F/A-18 Hornet.
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Saw a Nice F-14 Tomcat video:
1st of June already? Half of the year has already gone past us and it's felt like nothing. Before long, I'll be saying Merry Christmas :D
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