Getting Hurt from Gaming?

Closest to getting hurt for me was when I was playing the Wii. My aunt's house has a low ceiling, but with a ceiling fan sticking out its even lower. I "almost" broke it with the Wiimote because of how low it was lol.
Well there was the Pixie Thumb gotten playing the older game systems with their evil controllers. More recently I have gotten eye strain, sprained my wrist, tripped over my little brother and hit my head, and... took a nunchuck to the face when my sister got a little to excited.
Well the worse I ever got were very sore and tired eyes accompanied with a throbing headache and a numb neck because I love to lie on my bed while gaming and I can do that for hours at a shot. Not exactly very healthy in my opinion but then again I just cannot help it! AvalonX! I've got my fingers messed up too so I guess I'm not the only one out there with such a ridiculous problem! Though mine didn't last a month.. it got fine after a few hours.