GF 3.4

GracefulAssassin said:
Everything is working fine for me. I only use the same skin by the way.
Clearly your testing on that skin sucks, because there is more than just quotes that is broken. (I haven't tested the quotes by the way).
GF darkness quotes is fixed and please guys keep your bickering and off talk OFF this thread, I don't need this cluttered as I look the problems over.
There's the same problem with all the themes. It doesn't show who was the last person to post in the threads.
What do you mean?

And what do you guys mean by searching isn't going well? I would recommend doing a F5 to clear any previous data you may have on this site.
I cleared all data related to the site, and the quotes still look odd. It's not showing who was quoted sometimes. I don't know what the search thing is. I haven't tried any skin other than GF Darkness.
Demon_Skeith said:
GF darkness quotes is fixed and please guys keep your bickering and off talk OFF this thread, I don't need this cluttered as I look the problems over.
What do you mean?

And what do you guys mean by searching isn't going well? I would recommend doing a F5 to clear any previous data you may have on this site.
We weren't bickering, just comparing our issues with the themes :P

And here is what we mean:
