E3 Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay

Read some comments from people that got the game early from reddit and neogaf:

"This game has excellent sidequests in terms of writing, quality and gameplay variety"

"The one thing it does really well outside of gameplay is world building / lore and quests. Its much better than any last AC games. The quests structures are well thought out "

"Competent game, technically solid, good quests and world "

"Game has really fucking cool sidequests and unique gameplay elements, they absolutely held back on showing it "

"main story sucks at the beginning, then main story got hyped once you become more of "the ghost" "

But I rushed through the main and I gotta tell ya, I spent the last two days doing nothing but free roam quests and it's been fun.

It feels like an open-world character action game.

The stealth is ok too. Once you level up your stuff you feel like a ninja. And the final outfit you unlock is fucking sick.

Eventually, you do feel like a terrorizing samurai.
It's fun to dive into a battle and kill a few and watch everyone around you freak out.
Feels more real than Shadow of Mordor did.

"Everything about the environment and wind is amazing.

There's an invisible lock on that will piss people off.

It mostly works but if you're trying to get at a specific enemy it's going to be rough

Like when there are hostages and they're about to kill them, but you're still locked on to some scrub.

Just rubbing my ass against the hostage-taker hoping the lock on will change.

Overall 8/10."
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Listened to some of the bgms:

The Temple Of Souls:

Hero's Story:
Read more comments:

Basically this is way more than an Assassin's Creed in Japan like many assumed.

One of the best open world's ever made. The most fun to explore since RDR2 and BOTW.

Best sidequests, really fun combat with some real open ended level design for stealth and combat play.

Lots of stuff to do, customisation galore.

Some real surprises gameplay wise to see later on.
Just listened to the way of the ghost theme:
New trailer is up: