Got any Nintendo theme clothing?

I have a black t-shirt with several characters from the Super Mario games and I have a Legend of Zelda shirt that I got from Nintendo World.
I really only have one thing that is Nintendo themed for clothing.


Is it a different take on the series, I love that Mario is a knight in red shiny armor. :]
I got one of these.


I gots myself one of those shirt too. It's funny.

Here are some shirts i have: (Images are not mine)


Plus Luigi and more of the cast on the back of the shirt which includes Wario, Waluigi, Dk, Diddy, and Bowser and more. Couldn't find an image of it.

My brother got me this when he came back from Florida

I think that's about it.

I happened to run into this image along the way but heck, if only if my brother found this version of the Super Mario Galaxy shirt instead. This one kicks the crap out of the one i have. Still, the one I have is still good.
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Those two SMG shirts look really awesome, Cha, especially the second one, heh. And that grey one you have is similar to a shirt I have, except I've got less characters on it and dont' have any on the back.

And nice sweatshirt, Arcella, heh.
I have a shirt of a dead Paper Mario with lots of the word MARIO in different colours, I also have two Mario caps (one official with the M and stuff and the other one has a SM64 design)
And the tag for the shirt is the logo for SPM!
Ooops, I just remembered some more I have.

I also have a black shirt with Mario on Yoshi running from Bowser and the words 'Game Over' and 'Super Mario World' underneath it, and one with a fallen Paper Mario shirt with the word Mario on it in one colour.