Grand Theft Auto V

GTA V the best game ever well in my opinion lol... As anyone purchased a bunker yet underground I have. Can I ask how do you invite members like when you register to vip and you use that laptop to get supply's but how do you get members to join to help see many do it but it doesn't let me.
An awesome game with amazing graphics and story, Also I love playing it on my PC to use mods, I love using mods in GTA V, It's just gets better.
It's a great game and I would consider it one of the bests in the series, second to GTA: San Andreas. I love the game and its vibe, it didn't have that sunburst effect in GTA IV and the colors were pleasing to the eyes. The story was alright and the amount of nostalgia the game gives is amazing as you get to travel back to Grove St. and reminiscence your times in GTA: SA as CJ.
They keep adding DLC to the online portion but I haven't touched it in ages. Its seemed to get to the point where everything is so expensive that you need micro-transactions and it kind of turned me off. I loved the single player lots, wish they did eventually release an additional story for it. I completed the single player around 3 times and enjoyed it lots. Online I played a lot back in the day on Xbox 360 and a little bit on PS4 when heists came out but haven't really touched it since. Has anyone kept going with it? How different is it from back in the heist days?
At this point they have moved onto other offline story mode video games, so the only updates this will get will be online sadly.
I guess this game is the primary game on our household. Even my son, his brother, and cousins are all playing that. They love playing online of GTA V and chillin' with something. I guess they really enjoy what they are playing even though it contains mature contents, involved crimes or something. It is still good when you want an open-world game which allows you to do anything. We play it on PS3.
This is one of my favorites game. I am really thankful to the creator of this game. The graphics of this game is awesome. I and my friends still play this game.
The game was really nice it the graphics was so cool looks like a real human and it similar to PUBG but not all and it was really nice because its a multiplayer game you can play with another player that's the best of it the multiplayer mode for me.