Group Story


May the bridges I burn light the way.
Group Story

In this game, someone gives three suggestions of subjects that the story should incorporate. These suggestions should be completely random and not connected to one another. Each person says a phrase or two to build upon the story that is developing. The goal of this game is to have everyone create a relatively coherent story and one that has some sort of flow to the plot.

We need a place, person and a thing! I'll start us off for round 1.

Round 1:

Person: Nin
Place: Pallet Town
Thing: Toast

The sun was shining and birds were chirping when Nin first woke up in his small but quaint Pallet Town home. He stood up from his bed and quickly keeled over in agony, "GAHH! I'm hungry!" he thought. He shuffled off to his kitchen when...
There it was, glistening in the sunlight: the Toaster! He quickly inserted a piece of bread and sat himself in front of the toaster awaiting the big moment.The smell of the newly cooking Toast filled the room...suddenly..
...nin realised that there was a smudge of butter on his toaster, so he rubbed quickly it with the golden sponge of life and a magic toast spirit came out, however...
The magic toast spirit seemed to have an attitude. "Why has someone like YOU summoned me from my beauty sleep?!" She shrieked, cinnamon sugar dripping from her into heaps on the floor. Nin muttered...
"Should I leave this toast be or should I eat it?" Then, the toast went through his mind and back out and after that he heard the toast say...
'You couldn't eat me if you tried!' But, Nin caught the toast after a short while of madness and he eat it. Unfortunatly the had a while effect on Nin, which was...
No control over his body and super strength. He went on a rampage around pallet town and during the rampage he picked up a snorlax and threw it at a...
Small, defenceless child that had been hit by a truck just seconds earlier before suffering the impact from the Snorlax. Soon after, Nin calmed down and apologised to the flattened, badly beaten child but the child...
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was already too damaged from his injuries and was moments away from death. In his dying breath, he said, "Nin, you shouldn't have eaten the tooooo--oooooaaaasssss---ssst.."

The end!

Round 2:

The next person needs to come up with a person, place and thing to write about! Have at it!
Person: Masc.
Place: Gym.
Thing: Dumbells.

Masc was a muscle-man! Masc was so strong that he could lift very heavy dumbells with little effort, so one day, he decided to lift a dumbell was was heavier than an elephant, he picked it up with ease, but wasn't impressed. He lifted a dumbell that was lighter than an furret but couldn't lift it, because...
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Person: Stimpy
Place: Telytubby land
Thing: The Internet

After returning to his bed from a cartoony beating from his best freind, Ren, Stimpy decided to go into his backyard. While digging for bones, he found a magical portal. It took him to.. of NintenDan's Shenanigan Guy cartoons. Stimpy looked around, rather confused as to where the heck he was, until he was greeted by a masked creature screaming "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY THE HECK ARE YOU POORLY DRAWN?". Stimpy wasn't quite sure how to respond from the rush of everything, but he chose to just stand there and stare. Soon, the masked creature got bored and floated away in some sort of balloon flying device. Stimpy returned back to the portal and found that it was connected to a strange little machine with lots of buttons and options. After some mindless tinkering, Stimpy jumped straight back into the portal, wondering what his next destination would be. As he leaped out, he was confronted with...
Lush green hills and a sun with a baby's face! Strange creatures were murmuring to one another about his abrupt arrival. Stimpy wandered over to a gathering of these beasts and...
Stabbed each one thirty-seven times in the chest. He laughed, his face turning to the sky, as clouds gathered above, signaling that this place was now doomed. But as he went on his rampage...
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He started thinking to himself "Is this all real? Am I actually imagining all this?" and with that thought starting to come to mind he...
Burst into song! "Is this the real life, is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality!"
And as he sang...
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Collapsed. A knife could be seen sticking out of his back. A mysterious figure stepped out from the shadows.
Its face was contorted from the malevolent grin it wore. The mere sight of the beast could drive even the calmest and most rational man on Earth to madness. And then it spoke.
"Problem, Stimpy?"
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