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Which video game handheld consoles have you had? Which ones do you currently own? What were/are some of your favorite games for it?
I've own the following in the order I got them:

Gameboy Color
Gameboy advance SP
DS lite

I still have my SP, PSP and N3DS XL.
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP

That is the order that I got them. I still have my 3DS laying on the night stand next to my bed (last time I played it was the other night before I went to sleep). The other ones, I don't remember what happened to them.
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP

That is the order that I got them. I still have my 3DS laying on the night stand next to my bed (last time I played it was the other night before I went to sleep). The other ones, I don't remember what happened to them.

What kind of skin or color was your SP?
Blue has always been my favorite color. I think I liked yellow for a while when I was a kid but it didn't last long before I went back to blue.

What color is your 3DS, Demon_Skeith?
Gameboy Color, Nintendo DS Lite, and Nintendo 3DS XL (new). Kind of skipped around there. I rook a break from gaming when the GBA came out, then I got back into gaming in like 2006 so I got the DS Lite. I hardly used it and ended up trading it in. Now I have the 3DS that I got just a few weeks back.
I got some portable console, to name the ones I know at the top of my head to current:
- game boy
- game boy color
- game boy advance
- psp
- psp vita (broke)
- psp vita slim
- nintendo ds lite
- nintendo 3ds
- nintendo 3ds xl
Portable gaming is not meant for anyone, while PSP games are good and there are some Vita games are good as well, to name a few is Gravity Rush and Corpse Party. I just noticed that not so muchgames available here in the US and there is a lot of games in asia. That is one i want to play but can't since i can't understand japanese language.