Have you ever grown attached to a video game character?

I'm definitely attached to:

  • Peach
  • Marle (Chrono Trigger)
  • Crono (Chrono Trigger)
  • Lucca (Chrono Trigger)
  • Frog/Glenn (Chrono Trigger)
  • Prince of the Cosmos (Katamari)
  • Charmander

Heh, I love CT.
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Link (LoZ OoT)
Mike Jones (StarTropics) (Always wanted to throw my yo-yo and smoke someone in the face. ;D)
Sothe (Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn)
Shinion (Same as Above)
Rolf (^-Again.
Nope and I wouldn't get attached either.
They are nice and all, but they just don't seem real at all. So....