Have you ever had this feeling?


Insane, but humble
Have you ever had this feeling?

First you have a game that you practically do not play at all anymore, but then something happens and you lose the game, then suddenly you have the urge to play that game again for some strange reason.

I know I have this a couple of times. It's pretty frustrating when it happens.
I've had very similar feelings. So similar, you may as well say they're the same.
Let's say I bought (or at least got) a game in 1998. I play on it, and then eventually get bored by 2000 or 2001. Through out say, the next 7 years I'm aware it exists and that I have it, but I'm like "meh, it's old and I've played it" kind of thing. Then maybe we're clearing out old junk... and, while I'd normally be like "meh" if I saw it, it's only when we're clearing out junk that I might be like "Wait, no... don't throw it out. I MIGHT play on it" <____________< Or maybe I might sell a game that I "don't play on it", then I'm like "Hey, I haven't played on ..... CRAP!"
Happened to me long time ago:

1. Wanting to play Mario Party 6 - Where is it?
2. Wanting to play Mario Party 7 - Where the heck is it!?
3. Wanting to play Mario Kart DD - Where the hell is it!?!?
4. Wanting to play Wario World - DAMMIT WHERE THE HELL IS IT!?!?!?
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This happened to me with Trauma Center. I lost it an had this insane urge to play it, haha!
I sold SM64DS. I think it was to get some extra money to buy Mario Party 7, heh. Clearly not my greatest moment in life, but after I sold SM64DS, of course, I read about how to access the debug menu without any AR or whatever. Bloody ridiculous.

I have a problem where I tosses out half the boxes for my SNES games (or somebody else tossed 'em out) back in the day. I've still got the manuals, just no box. Plus the cover for my DKC2 manual has disappeared and I have half a story in it. DAMN IT.
I remember accidentally knocking my Ninja turtles cartridge for gameboy color behind my dresser and never bothered to get it and play it till I got a gameboy advance. It still worked!