Have you tried to learn any other languages?

Gamerz Reef

Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
I have tried learning Spanish and french but french is hard but sexy as hell.
I am learning german now a days and in my opinion english is a piece of cake compared to it (english is not my first language) German has many words to explain 1 thing and sometimes 1 word to explain many things, language rules are difficult and its just to put it simply ... difficult lol
I tried to learn English, with moderate success. On a more serious note, I've been studying Japanese for a few years, plus some French, German and Latin just for fun.
I tried learning Spanish. When I was in high school, I had to take 2 years worth of foreign language. The only thing they offered was French and Spanish at the time I was going to school. I chose Spanish because there are some Spanish speaking individuals living in the area where I currently live. Since no one here speaks French, I didn't think it would be practical for me to learn that language.
I know some Italian thanks to growing up with a mother and nana who loved swearing in Italian, as if us kids didn't know what they were saying LOL I would like to learn fluent Italian some day.