
Well-Known Member
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I've been a passionate console/PC gamer since received a brand new Nes that included Super Mario Bros 3 as a Christmas gift. Nowadays, I didn't realize how much this Industry has grown until I finally became old enough to understand the technology behind processing
graphics and the ergonomy of controllers, and of course also after playing all kinds of games.
I mean, in 1996 I was six years old, Super Mario 64 for me was a fun and awesome game,
but for a young adult that game was a revolutionary wonder of console generation's transition.

Anyway, in the current videogame industry, the number of quality IPs (Intellectual property) titles is overwhelming. And every year there is always chance that a new commercial hit will born, something that monopolizes the niche media attention and E3 conferences, something that makes people flood Major forums with thousands of threads and brings up lots of especulation and awe. Something that, in some cases, didn't live up to the hype it raise and
end up being an underwhelming fiasco (Fable, FF XIII, GTA IV, Medal of Honor,etc.).

Anyway, who doesn't love hype? Molyneux certainly do, even despite of having the doubtful reputation of selling a curtain of smoke instead of games during e3 conferences.

Well, but I digress. I've registered here because keeping track of any latest novelty out there is a daunting task and is easier to just read posts about it (digital magazines tend to blow up tons of info at the same time -giantbomb was a quite fitting name for a gaming site-).

Read you all soon.
Detailed welcome is detailed!

Welcome to GL, enjoy your time here.