How do I grow quicker?

Tie yourself to a tree by your arms and have a friend pull your legs.

It worked in a tv show once.
2st graders are taller then me.

Personally, I don't mind being incredibly small, all the ladies think I'm so cute, and it makes me stand out in the crowd.

4'6 all the way baby.
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First off, eat a better diet. Eat a lot of greens and protein. Exercise, and stay healthy.

90% chance you will fall between the range of your father's height - 2'', and your mother's height + 2''

You will eventually go through a growth spurt. I was 5'5'' through high school, returned senior year at 6'0''
Tie yourself to a tree by your arms and have a friend pull your legs.

It worked in a tv show once.

Yes, this is why I regularly drop anvils on my friends. :3

Yeah, I'm pretty short too. I'm also pretty sure I'll be old enough to drive before I weigh enough to not be in a booster seat. >_>

Although luckily no one pays attention to the booster seat law anyway.
There is really no way for you to grow fast quick... I mean, you could buy longer pants and shoes with a heel (like those silly Shape-Up shoes) to appear taller, but that may more trouble than it is worth. If you just wait, you'll grow eventually. I guess my bit of advice is to develop a sense of humor or an outgoing personality--those tend to be paired with short boys and make them more charming, ha.
Balloons and whipped cream should do the trick. I forget if you're supposed to mix them together or keep them apart, but yeah.
On a serious note (I'm small too)
o Eat healthy
o Get fresh air
o Live in a healthy environment
o Be happy (most important)
o Puberty might help (not that you have any control over that)
o Sports
o Beauty sleep (7-8 Hours)
I don't know, I'm no expert.
It all depends on your genetic makeup and your hormones. When your growth spurts will kick in can't be predicted in a crystal ball. Just wait and it will happen, deal with the hand you've been given and enjoy your youth while you're livin' it.
It all depends on your genetic makeup and your hormones. When your growth spurts will kick in can't be predicted in a crystal ball. Just wait and it will happen, deal with the hand you've been given and enjoy your youth while you're livin' it.

Yeah. What I was saying was abit too artificial. Don't be ashamed of your height.
I like being tall. But at least I'm not so tall that I bump into stuff.
Gar, I'm jealous of you short people. I can't go one day without slamming my face into something due to being too freakin' tall.
You kidding me?! I wish I was just a few inches taller, I always smash my head on the SHARP POINTY EVIL MALICIOUS BOTTOM CORNER of my stupid cabinet doors. Also, I have this terrible habit of smashing my hips into doorknobs, if I was a bit taller it would just be the fleshy part of my thigh and not my freakin' bony hip. Lastly, my cedar chest is the perfect height to squish into the gooey part of my knee, yea-that soft part that hurts like hell when you bang it against something really sharp (like a cedar chest!) and I usually perform that scene from Family Guy where Peter has hurt himself and sits on the ground as he exclaims, "sheeeeehhh" repetitively in writhing pain at least twice a week for my cat who just blankly stares at me. I'm not super short, 5'2"ish, but still--I feel like everything I encounter in my path was set there for my personal destruction. -.-

Sorry to rant, but I should probably note I am extremely clumsy; if you didn't guess that already yourself. :3
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