How do I grow quicker?

YES!!! Im 5 feet now!!!
Should we tell him that your height fluctuates during the day and to get an accurate reading it is best to measure yourself 3-5 times throughout the day and average the numbers?

See, the mushrooms do help.
What kind of mushrooms? Portabella? Oyster? Enoki? I hope it was this kind... !
Wait, isn't that supposed to be weight?
No, it's height. You grow one quarter of an Inch at night. So, put yourself on a streching machine and hold your height at night. You'll be tall in a few days.
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Question: How do I grow quicker?

Anser:Wait until you are 14.

I'm 20 and am 6' 2" (may be taller now...)

I've been tall for a while, but you can only know if you're gonna be tall if you are tall after you've become a teenager..some people are just naturally short.