How long does it take for you to fully wake up in the morning?

A while. I need a cup of tea, then a coffee and some breakfast. It takes me a good 10 minutes to get out of bed after my alarm and then around 40 minutes to drink/eat the above items before I am good to go. An hour is usually around the time it takes.
IntoxNitram Martin

You're kind of like me :p

Most of the time, even if I sleep in I take a bit to get out of bed. Then I usually need to sit down till I snap awake and drink some water. Usually it takes me 30 mins before I can go anywhere.

One of these days I'll start drinking coffee.
I think it depends on what I am doing during the morning. If I'm going to somewhere fun and exciting in the morning like going to a Gaming Arcade, amusement park, movie theater, and video game store, I usually get very excited and want to leave home soon, and wake up sooner to have more time to enjoy myself.

But, if it is school, work, and regular activities, I usually take longer to get ready.
I think it depends on what I am doing during the morning. If I'm going to somewhere fun and exciting in the morning like going to a Gaming Arcade, amusement park, movie theater, and video game store, I usually get very excited and want to leave home soon, and wake up sooner to have more time to enjoy myself.

But, if it is school, work, and regular activities, I usually take longer to get ready.

Only if I'm extremely nervous about something would I wake up easily, even on a exciting day like a trip or movies I am still sluggish.
The physical act of removing myself from the bed, it takes me a little bit. That's always the hardest part for me. Once I get out of bed and move around for a minute or two, I'm usually awake at that point. It doesn't take me long to wake up once I remove myself from the bed.
I know people who jump outta bed and are ready to go, but there are also people who need about half an hour to be completely 'functional'.

What about you?
I can jump out of bed and be ready in minutes. I do like to sleep in tho!! hehe
it takes me a minute or two to step out of my bed but still half awake, so i have to actually go to take a shower as soon as get off the bed to really be awake. then again, i am used to this by now with just less sleep for the past years.
hahaha! :)
Quite a while unfortunately. I'm the kind of person who's arguably better suited for the night shift, and kind of struggle to get things done during the day time.
For me it takes more than 40 minutes or so. I am so not a morning person but unfortunately I have to wake up at 5 every weekday :(
Depends if I know I had to do something, like doing assignment that I should do last night but because I'm cool I'll rush it and I will stand up as soon as I opened my eyes. lol
I generally wake up some time before alarm goes off automatically.
Quite frustrating considering I've set mine to 6 AM while I have to be at the office by 10 AM (1 hour travel, meaning I must be at the metro station by 9 AM, plus another 15 minutes walking to the metro station, meaning I must leave my house by 8:45 AM).
It's frustrating because I'm normally quite quick in the morning, so it gives me lots of time where I dying from boredom before I leave home.