Out of curiosity, how many years have you been playing games, and when was your first console generation?
Me personally, I've been playing them for about 15-18 years now, with my general interest in gaming starting around the SNES and Nintendo 64 generation.
Well I'll be 20 here in a month, but I said 19 years because I've been playing video games since I was half a year old. I got my NES when I was 6 months old with Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. Needless to say at 6 months old, I sucked.
1992, I used to play text games. Though the first actual game console I've ever played was Nintendo 64, which I still got my original from the launch date. :3
I started on NES, it was my older brothers system ( 3 year age difference ). We had Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. Then we got other games such as, Star Tropics, Super Mario Bros. 2 & 3, Duck Tales, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, Mission Impossible, Rygar, Kung Fu, and Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since. Just about played every console.
I think I started gaming when I was about 3-4 I just have a memory, when I was very young dying to play 'Theme Park World' so I ended up waking up at 3am, waking up the entire house just to play the game xD Not that I remember the actual contents of the game >.< Yeah, my mum shouted at me and banned me from playing for the day :c
I have been playing video games since I was 3 years old. The first system was the Nintendo Game Boy (Or the "Grey Game" as I called it back then, and still have it), and the first game I ever played (Not owned at the time) was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan.
I've been playing video games since I was four (about 2003) with my first major console being the Nintendo Gamecube and my first handheld being the Nintendo DS Lite.