How many consoles?


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How many consoles do you have hooked up at your house? Do you still play them?

I have 5. There are three that are hooked up in the living room and two that are hooked up in the master bedroom. I still play them, yes. It depends on what game that I feel like playing. I have different games for the different consoles that I have.
Right now I have my Switch and my Wii U hooked up. I'd love to have my Wii, GameCube, and Nintendo 64 hooked up as well, but I don't actually have enough room to keep them hooked up.
I only keep my latest console hooked up to the TV. Just don't like connecting and disconnecting the system constantly.
I have to make a correction. I have the Wii U, GameCube and X-Box 360 are in the living room. Just the Wii is hooked up in the master bedroom. So I only have 4.

I'll have 5 if I end up getting the Nintendo Switch.
Just my Switch and PS4 Pro. I had to trade in my Wii U, Vita, 3DS, and old PS4 just to buy a Switch and upgrade to a Pro. I've got an OG GB, GBC, GBA, GB Micro, and DS Lite sitting in a dresser drawer.

I'm trying to be less clingy to my consoles. I'll probably miss my 3DS the most as I lost all of the Pokémon I had caught since Pokémon Emerald. Oh well, looking forward to a fresh start once Pokémon Stars comes out.
I have no consoles. :) I do have an Amazon Fire TV "gaming box" with wireless controller, but we mainly use it to stream TV/movies.
Well, I now have a Super NES at the house now that I share with my brothers. I just have to get it hooked up so I can actually play it.
I have four consoles currently hooked up at my house. Those consoles would be a Playstation 4 in my older brother's room, and a Wii U, Mini NES (if these dedicated consoles count), and Nintendo Switch in my own room (I alternate between them depending on the situation).

Yes, I still do play them whenever I have the time. The PS4 I don't play with, but my older brother still plays it on an active basis.
I currently have two consoles connected which is my Xbox 360 and my PS4. I also have 3DS XL but that doesn't really need to be ''hooked up''. It is all the consoles that I own besides the Wii U.

I really wish that I had my old consoles though. I get hit by nostalgia often and want to play some of the oldies from SNES or PS1/PS2. Sadly, I sold the majority of them due to my stupidity. I thought that I'd just never play them again so I was like ''better sale than letting it sit in the closet''. I've been meaning to maybe get an emulator for old games and play that once in a while since it's easier to just run that on the computer than to possibly buy the older consoles again.
I currently have two consoles connected which is my Xbox 360 and my PS4. I also have 3DS XL but that doesn't really need to be ''hooked up''. It is all the consoles that I own besides the Wii U.

I really wish that I had my old consoles though. I get hit by nostalgia often and want to play some of the oldies from SNES or PS1/PS2. Sadly, I sold the majority of them due to my stupidity. I thought that I'd just never play them again so I was like ''better sale than letting it sit in the closet''. I've been meaning to maybe get an emulator for old games and play that once in a while since it's easier to just run that on the computer than to possibly buy the older consoles again.
There are very few, if any, old console games I'd play now. Mainly there is this one game I can't remember on the PS1 or PS2, a racing game. But you can go up walls and stuff and it was futuristic. A very cool game but I can't recall the name!
I recently moved overseas from the states so I couldn't take all of my games and consoles with me, but when I still lived there I had five consoles. They were the SNES, N64, and PlayStation 1, 2, and 3.

Because of the move I ended up buying a gaming laptop and just taking that with me, as well as my Nintendo DS and PSP but that's it. Sad day.
I recently moved overseas from the states so I couldn't take all of my games and consoles with me, but when I still lived there I had five consoles. They were the SNES, N64, and PlayStation 1, 2, and 3.

Because of the move I ended up buying a gaming laptop and just taking that with me, as well as my Nintendo DS and PSP but that's it. Sad day.
Why move overseas?