How many hours is too many?


Well-Known Member
A lot of people say too much gaming is a bad thing and while I think it depends on who you are talking about, I agree. Sitting too long is not good for your health in general. I'd have to say anything beyond 2 hours is too much. If you are sitting still playing a game for 2 hours, you should take a break from it and move around for at least an hour or two.
There should be a break every hour and no one should really game more than five hours at a time.
It is very bad indeed, but allot of people does not care. I follow YouTube channels and people that live steam and they steam for 5 hours none stop gaming. So Twitch gives you the answer that they don't take an break
I agree with Britanica. It think it all depends on the person. But growing up, I've never spent more than an hour or two playing a game without taking a break of some sort or switching it up and going outside to play. Even now, I don't play more than an hour or two at a time. A lot of the time, I don't play more than that because I have to go to work.
24 hours in a row would be too much. Multiple days without breaks would be ridiculous.

But honestly, I wouldn't say there are too many rules about how much gaming is too much. I mean, you just can't get into some games after only 5 hours, with titles like the Elder Scrolls, The Witcher and Fallout series arguably being better as something you play for a longer period of time.
I think 1 hour of gaming is good. After 30 minutes, gamers should take a short few minute break from gaming, so they can rest their eyes. Some RPG games games require gamers to read a lot of small text bubbles which may strain their eyes.
2 hours is my max of playing a game and even in that 2 hours, i take a break in between. i can't seem to sit for too long and put a lot of strain for my precious eyes. :)
more strain on your body than eyes really.

I agree, sitting for long periods of time will most likely strain your body more than your eyes unless you are using a smaller TV where it is hard for you to read the text.

A good chair could help people not strain their back as much.
I agree, sitting for long periods of time will most likely strain your body more than your eyes unless you are using a smaller TV where it is hard for you to read the text.

A good chair could help people not strain their back as much.

strain body means a lot of things, like blood clots from sitting too long.
strain body means a lot of things, like blood clots from sitting too long.

I think it is also not good to stand too long like sitting too long because the weight of your body is on your feet, and could lead to back and muscle problems which will cause you to not be able to stand because of back and muscle pains.
more strain on your body than eyes really.

I suppose from building a huge gut. :D But I do agree though but then again, if I work in the office and sitting long period of hours - that means I am putting a lot of strain on both body and eyes. :( Either or, not very good, I need a new career. :D
I think it is also not good to stand too long like sitting too long because the weight of your body is on your feet, and could lead to back and muscle problems which will cause you to not be able to stand because of back and muscle pains.

I agree standing for too long isn't good, but a lot of jobs do not give you such an option to sit down for breaks.
I agree standing for too long isn't good, but a lot of jobs do not give you such an option to sit down for breaks.

I think sitting breaks are more common if you work at a job with a worker's union which job is to complain to an employer if their union members are being mistreated. Some countries have work place safety laws where employers are not allowed to ban workers from sitting, so worker's don't ruin their health by standing too much.
Yeah, I have a job where I stand all day. And yesterday I didn't get that many breaks from it being so busy. It's isn't good for your knees either. I'm sure I'll have knee problems later on down the road from walking around on a concrete floor all day long.
Yeah, I have a job where I stand all day. And yesterday I didn't get that many breaks from it being so busy. It's isn't good for your knees either. I'm sure I'll have knee problems later on down the road from walking around on a concrete floor all day long.

Have any back problems? My lower back these days are killing me.