How often do you play mobile games?

Generally I don't like playing games on my mobile but I keep a couple for just in case if I have to wait at somewhere and I need to kill some time. So it doesn't happen often.
If I wanted to kill time I'd rather read a book or listen to music. Battery life on phones is pretty short these days, and you really might need it later on if you want to browse online or send a text or make a call. It's easier to waste time with music; you can watch the surroundings and take your mind off while still having enough battery later on to do the other stuff that you need the phone for.
I very rarely play mobile games. In fact, I've removed a lot of them from my phone, due to constant updates. It gets annoying.

One game I really do like is Tetris. I don't know why something so simple can hold my attention, but it's just fun for me. It's good for killing time if you have to wait around for someone or something. That's how it ended up on my phone.

I wouldn't mind trying some other games (as long as they don't bug me all the time when not in use). Do you have any recommendations?
Not anymore. I used to be an avid mobile gamer for Android and iOS use. However, nowadays as an adult, I prefer having my smartphone storage clear of mobile games I'm probably going to uninstall within a week or so.

Also, from what I've researched, I feel mobile gaming has reached a "freemium" era. With this, I also feel the overall quality of mobile gaming has dramatically declined. I prefer investing my time and energy into PC and Xbox console gameplay, rather than my mobile phone. Generally speaking, mobile gaming never captured my attention for long periods of time. Because of this, I would end up downloading multiple games at once, ultimately slowing down my processor and operating system within the phone itself.

The only game I thoroughly enjoyed for mobile use was Miniclip: 8-Ball Pool. It was also the first game majority of my Facebook friends played, so getting a game invite wasn't seen as annoying.
When I had a good phone, I played on it way too much, I was always on it, searching and testing new games.
I played a lot, especially when I'm at work and having a break. I even play with my friends during working hours if its not busy and we usually play pubg or rules of survival.
Almost every day because for me, playing mobile games can help to keep anxiety at bay and promote relaxation. There are few better ways to boost one’s mood than the feeling of victory that comes with knowing you have finally figured out a difficult mobile video game level and completed the game successfully.
It's like watching a movie using your cellphone. It can be done but less the graphics and audio efx of watchng it on your pc with a good set of speakers. Pardon the analogy but peeing on a softdrink bottle is possible but not really as comfortable as doing it inside the bathroom. So I have never really done any game, even online chess, on my phone. Just manipulating the controls gives you enough troubles added to the lesser satisfaction you get.
As a very busy (and broke) person, I can't play PC and consoles that much so I just stick on playing games on my smartphone. I play smartphone games pretty much every day and it's the only time that I can relieve myself from all the work.
If I'm waiting for someone. I don't have games on my phones, I will just download any game to play while waiting. But actually before, I'm playing COC on my tablet, but I already lost interest.
I'm a PC gamer focused in MOBA and FPS games. I was living a happy life in front of my PC while studying college which is not a big deal for me to pass, until my nightmare came called, "job". I need to wake up early and commute to work, return home at 6PM with no energy to check my rank and squad in discord. With all of the nightmare, mobile games saved me. My I found a way to counter my urge to play MOBA by playing Mobile Legends and Vainglory. With only 10 to 15 minutes per day with 1 game, I'm good.
I have a few games in mobile just to make busy while travelling of just hanging out. I have PlantsVsZombies, COC and Asphalt, just to make sure that i have games to play every time i get bored.
Now I don't really play mobile games anymore, maybe sometime if I just need to kill time I played some puzzle games like unblock mu, sudoku, or flow but I don't stay too long playing on my mobile phone.
I guess I just can't find a good game that would really get me going in playing in my mobile phone like before, I used to play mobile legend because it is quite interesting to be able to fight head-on with other players online, a good way to see who is the better player but I stopped mainly because of connection problems, connection problems really kills the mood to play games continuously. although I really like mobile legends interface because it really is the same as League of legend which I often play online on my computer.
Very rarely nowadays. Supercell ruined Clash of Clans and Clash Royale in my opinion.
Very rarely nowadays. Supercell ruined Clash of Clans and Clash Royale in my opinion.

@Kita really? I used to play Clash of Clans and Clash Royale before, I stopped because I was busy working out of country, and it is really hard to find a stable internet connection while travelling.
I don't have any idea about the updates in Clash of Clans and Clash Royale anymore.
How did Supercell ruined Clash of Clans and Clash Royale?
I remember it was very popular when I used to play it, me and my colleagues always sets clan wars every after war.
I am a gamer lover and this is the reason that I have tons of games on my mobile device. I have come to notice that playing games is one of the best ways that I can keep myself active when I ain't that busy and it has been working for me for long.
Generally I don't like playing games on my mobile but I keep a couple for just in case if I have to wait at somewhere and I need to kill some time. So it doesn't happen often.

That's the thing as you can play those games on your mobile just to kill off time which is good. The graphics of mobile games can't be compared to that of gaming consoles anyway.
No serious gaming on mobile, of course, but I do play the short time passing games on mobile every day. Specially on the toilet, because hey! that's just time you are not getting back. Games like King of Thieves, Almost a Hero, Infinity Blade, 4 pics 1 word, Jetpack Joyride etc.
Not much. But I do play sometime if I am waiting on something or someone outside. Also I am keeping away from those offline games that can be easily deleted your progress if had been cleared data on app management.