How to share a video game


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Here is the reason behind the video

Kotaku: Why did you guys feel the need to make the sharing video?

Shuhei Yoshida: Oh, the sharing video! It was not necessary at all. We were waiting in rehearsal two days ago and Adam [Boyes, Sony v.p. of developer relations and the video's co-star] or someone came up with the idea and we were like, ‘Oh, what if we do this and that?’ We had a studio there in the event space room with Macintosh desktop editing. We shot the video and the guys added music. We were having fun. Andy [House, president of Sony Compter Entertainment] was like, oh, yeah, let’s release this virally. It was not planned.

[Satisfied with that little story, I tried to move on to the next topic in our interview; Yoshida politely cuts me off.]

Yoshida: Last I checked, we got over three million views.

Kotaku: You’re pretty proud of that!

Yoshida: We’re competing with some of the more high-production-value trailers.
I love this video! I think Sony's appealing to the displaced and former Xbox fans and taking every chance they can get to poke fun at Microsoft. I wonder if videos like this might come back and bite them later on. I'm sure this will help them today and tomorrow, but what impact might this have five or even 10 years from now? 
Haha I love it when I see these people with high status and influence joke around. It makes them seem very human and attractive, I think more videos like this should be made by all companies.
I'm not a console gamer myself, but I admit I laughed heartilly at this. Sony is way too awesome for doing this! :grin:

I'm just sad that some people seem to think that Bill Gates is personally behind all the Microsoft madness. He's not even in charge anymore, he's too busy curing polio and donating away his fortune, please don't hate him.
This is a hilarious yet cunning jab towards Microsoft. However, I feel that they deserve every blow for the stupid choices that they have made. This video demonstrates how Sony is much more playful and consumer friendly than Microsofts profit hungry industry. Sony should keep releasing these comical release videos as they emphasize how much Microsoft is going to fail.
This video made me laugh when I first saw it. I'm definitely glad that there are no restrictions on sharing games or trading used games, as with the XBox One. That said, the XBox One's 'up to ten family members' could be really good. I imagine that it won't be as good as advertised though and have restrictions such as only one person can play at a time (so I and my brother can't both play Final Fantasy XV from one copy at the same time) or having to prove it's a family member, to stop people sharing with friends.
I just love the grin they both have on their face. So cheeky. 

Such a brilliant video by Sony and more importantly a demonstration that Sony knows what the gamers want. 
I thought it was bit of an arrogant way to present their used game system, but I did laugh so they got me there.

I got to admit, when I saw how short the clip was I had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. :grin:
Even though I didn't want to laugh at this, I really did. I had to watch it twice. I'm glad that there are no restrictions on the PS4 with used games. It certainly makes sharing games much easier. Plus, it's easier to have gaming parties that way (yeah...I'm a dork some times). Is there a reason why the Xbox One implemented the restrictions? Is it an attempt to increase sales?
This is pretty funny, seeing a huge company like Sony making videos to show how bad the Xbox One 'sharing' is. I really think Sony will benefit from people not being able to share their Xbox games. It might just encourage more people to buy a PS4 instead of an Xbox One.
lianymode said:
Is there a reason why the Xbox One implemented the restrictions? Is it an attempt to increase sales?
I think that it's partially an attempt to increase sales, yes. Publishers lose a lot of money to stores that sell used games, because of the people who would have bought new (not everyone who buys used). Game stores - particularly ones which are unauthorized to do the XBox trade in system, may lose out a lot. Most physical game stores make most of their money from buying and selling used games. Their profit margin on new games are tiny.

I've heard some people say that XBox wanted to create a system like Steam - but they already do digital downloads on the 360 and honestly it's not that good. Games are often kept at the starting price and rarely go on sale.
Sony is going for the jugular of Microsoft. They are plainly openly mocking them on their next gen restrictions. It's hilarious. 
Ouch, Microsoft got burned! :laugh: Great joke. I think it just further proves that Sony simply owned everybody (especially Microsoft) at this year's E3. They're just so smug and cheeky... and they're right!
Also, I'm really, really glad that Sony hasn't followed in Microsoft's footsteps with the horrible "sharing games" concept. It's not sharing, Microsoft, it's just complicating our lives...
The video troll me, really, I KNOW HOW O SHARE A GAME..I was thinking about how to share a game on new system on PS4 (for having new software or something like that)
Haha! I completely agree with the message of the video. When I buy something I should be able to do what ever I want with it. For example, if I buy a brick I can do what ever I want with it and no one is gonna say "Hey! You can't sell that brick because I made it!". I understand digital games being unable to trade but hard copies should. Sony is making the right move here and making it available for people to sell their old games.
jmoore93 said:
I love this video! I think Sony's appealing to the displaced and former Xbox fans and taking every chance they can get to poke fun at Microsoft. I wonder if videos like this might come back and bite them later on. I'm sure this will help them today and tomorrow, but what impact might this have five or even 10 years from now? 
I felt the same way. ISharing games still hasn't changed on the PlayStation. I wonder how Microsoft will hold out after people find out they can;t share their games...