How was your luck today?


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Today was Friday the 13th, which can be known to be unlucky. Anyone have any bad luck?
Been having a good day lol watched 2 nice TGS 2019 streams in a row and Trials Of Mana next...
Yeah email spam is part of life sadly :(

Unfortunately, spam e-mail is also becoming more dangerous to a computer's security, and spam e-mail is not just trying to sell you stuff or trick you.

I read stories on a tech website of e-mail users clicking on links, opening an e-mail attachment on a spam e-mail or opening infected html e-mail with virus scripts, and getting their victim's computer infected by a virus, malware, spyware, and ransomware.
Lol... I didn't even know that.
That's a surprise to me. Well, we don't really care about that here ... But there are other superstitions here. It was like any other day for me
On that day, I went out grocery shopping. I treated it as an ordinary day when suddenly walking to the store (which is a 5 min walk from my house) I've encountered a black cat. I may not be superstitious, but when I saw the cat, it glanced at me, and then sat. It felt like I was in a 'Final Fantasy' battle. With the background music playing in my mind, about to initiate an attack on a black 'Coeurl'. To make it short, I just stomped my right foot on the ground and then it fled. Other than that, nothing else happened to me. haha
It's bad.
I can't believe some people.... They can be so annoying. I had a very bad client meeting today