I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy?

Been reading this thread, and I have understood every thing except "Plat" - what does it mean?  Sorry for my ignorance.
Ok, I'm concluding this years platinum schedule for 2013. I'm not going to be finishing anymore games this year as I have been on a break and going through a hard time(as well as the busy christmas season).
This years results
I have received the platinum for a total of 16 games and have gotten to over 90% in 2 games.
2013 game highlights
This year was great!. I played catchup on a lot of great older games. I've had GREAT joy playing Red dead Redemption, the uncharted series, Heavy Rain, sleeping dogs, and both dead islands. The game which got a thumbs down by me is God of War(first one).
You can now view my gaming schedule for 2014
Cheerio boyz!