I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy?

then I say go for uncharted 3.
Too late. I've already started Midnight club! :)
I have 15 new trophies for it, but also I have finished 1 of those win 20 races online junky trophies. The stats just need to update from the main rockstar thing.
I'm also progressing hard on like 20 more trophies.

Yes, I can see myself getting stuck on playing the same race over and over again to try to beat it for hours. It's getting tougher by the hour.
Midnight Club: PLAT.
That was my first racing game plat ever. Kind of a nightmare. It was so glitchy. There was a point where I needed to win 20 races online and I must've won 80 of them before it dinged. 91 hours man..

Now I'm doing Uncharted 3 which should be a walk in the park for the plat. And I'm going to try to juggle Worms since I only really need one annoying trophy and I'll have the plat.

My schedule is getting finished now!
Meh, nothing else to do in life.

Got the plat for Uncharted 3 now. What a walk in the park. I put it off because in uncharted 2 you had to finish it on "Crushing mode". There were choke points where you'd be stuck at one spot getting killed every 10 seconds forcing you to retry about 80 times until you get lucky. It was simply no fun at all. I figured it would only get worse but it didn't. It was much more easy. If I had known then I would've done it right when I bought the game a year ago.

Anyway, I've reached a choke point where I must make myself go for many that I've been avoiding on my list. Worms Revolution is on my list of avoids. I only have three trophies to get. Two are a breeze and just require a little grinding, but the one is that you must win 10 teamed games online. The problem is playing online sucks because you get kicked out of games like crazy, it takes 10 minutes to even find a game, and then if you do no one wants to do teams and they just leave(Barely anyone plays it as well). For fun today I tried it and was really successful. I got 5 wins on a team game. Half done.
So I've decided that I'll fight for that trophy but not continuously because the servers get dead and you waste hours just trying to find a game.

I've decided that for the most part I'm going for "Sims 3 Pets". It's not really my type of game, but it's relaxing for a change. The wife was suppose to do this one for me but she's slacking a bit.
Nothing amazing comes without effort.

On a side note, while going to the plat for Sims 3: pets, its weird. I'll start playing and be focused then I'll look at the time and 3hrs pass with me thinking only 15minutes passed. That game drives the time by.
I do not have it as tidy as you do but I often have a mental schedule. For example today my schedule was beat Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Which I did) Then play Animal Crossing New Leaf for a few hours. If I have multiple games I am playing at the same time I have mental notes for which games I want to spend more time on and which game I want to spend less time on.
It's been awhile since I've updated this topic......cause I have not been getting plats but I got something now!
I finally cleaned up Worms revolutions PLAT.
And GTA5 PLAT!!!

My wife is nearing the plat for the back to the future and I'm going to hit on God of war and GOW2.
Here's the updated schedule:
  • = Plated and complete now
  • = Got so far then took a break
  • = Doing in several waves because they take forever
  • = Currently in the process of completing
  • = Games I don't really like but will really try to get through them (wife will help with them too!)
  • = Probably not going to bother with the plat for this
1 - 14. Heavy Rain, Sleeping Dogs, Little big planet Karting, Worms Revolution, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, GTA5, God of war I, Midnight club, Dead Island, Dead Island Riptide, Sims3 pets
15.Back to the future - Wifes' game. She better hurry and get the plat or I'll have to spank her!
16 & 17. Little big planet 1 & 2 -  LBP is really annoying with the plats because is the stupid trophies. I think the first LBP has a trophy were you must finish the game from beginning to end without dying. Also there are a bunch of online trophies that require other people to play your levels. I doubt I'll be able to plat this.
. Battlefield 3 - I used to love FPS games but in the past 3yrs I've expanded to other types of games. I probably will get the plat but it'll be awhile.
19.Need for speed: Hot pursuit - 60+ hrs to plat and not a great deal of fun either. I'll probably play for 30mins quit for wks, go back and do the same.
20. God of war II Yeah, I'll probably get it this month.

21. Port Royal 3
22. Journey -  Not a very fun "GAME OF THE DECADE" game if you ask me.
23. Saints row 3
24. Gran turismo 5 - www.yawn.com or visit the other site called www.borrrring.com
25. Skate 3 - This game Blows.
26. GTA4 -
Dead Space 2 - I played for 20 minutes and was not impressed with the game. It just was not that fun.

Two more months and I've concluded my year of plats. I'm hoping for 5 more plats to finish this year and maybe......I'll think about trying to clean up a few more trophies for the Black marked ones.
Oh, plated GOD of WAR today. Worst game ever. I gotta say it was not fun. This is probably the first game I've played strictly for the plat.
Not once did I enjoy the game. This is the type of game where you die trying up to 100 times and wonder if you will ever get past the spot........only to get hit with another nightmare 5 minutes later.

It was so horrible that I'm not really up for the 2nd one anytime soon.(of course I may do it anyway)
PLATED Port Royale 3. It took 82 hours and a lot of people don't bother to plat it because of how tough it is.

About 3days ago me and my wife had a blast playing little big planet so we decided to go for the plat for both of the games. I heard it was a nightmare and to be honest it's not really that bad.
I'll have them plated, no problem.
LittleBigPlanet 1 is PLATED!

I'm pretty far in the LBP 2 already as I started playing it in between the 1st one so it won't be long before I'm back here to update my gaming schedule. I'm really thinning out the games I own now. Next years schedule is going to be tougher because I'm sure I'll get the PS4.
AidsorHIV said:
LittleBigPlanet 1 is PLATED!

I'm pretty far in the LBP 2 already as I started playing it in between the 1st one so it won't be long before I'm back here to update my gaming schedule. I'm really thinning out the games I own now. Next years schedule is going to be tougher because I'm sure I'll get the PS4.
pending on the amount of games you get this holiday? That will no doubt beef up your list.